The Inevitable Conversation

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I'd had the day marked in red since I knew. I had been planning to ask Edward about it, but I never could. Just the thought of even talking to Edward about it... it was mortifying.

"Hey, Edward?" I said as we sat in his perfect volvo in front of the house.

The Cruiser wasn't here yet, but I still didn't look at Edward, I would lose the nerve to say what I wanted to say.

"What is it, Bella?"

God, why did his voice have to even be perfect?

It was so embarrassing and I could feel my cheeks flush.

"Bella, love, please-"

"Don't come to my room tonight," I rushed to say before getting out of his car.

"Bella? What's wrong?" Edward asked, rushing, for him, to join me. He beat me to the door.

"Just please. Don't. Go hunting or something, just don't come tonight. And don't come pick me up, either, just... I'll see you at school."

I still didn't look at him, I didn't want to see how much my words had hurt him, I didn't want to hurt him! I just couldn't get the right words out of my mouth! Nothing was working, every time I thought of asking Edward anything about the topic, my throat closed up and I got...

It was never going to happen. But before I closed the door on Edward, I pulled up the courage to face him, he wasn't looking at me.

"Hey, Edward?"

His head turned slightly towards me.

"I love you," I told him.

He smiled softly but then returned to his car without an 'I love you' back. I wasn't going to tell him or let him know how much it hurt, after all, I probably just hurt him by saying to not come to my room tonight... or pick me up...

So as I prepared dinner, I thought. Maybe I could ask Alice, she was a girl, sure she probably hadn't had a period in forever, but at least she'd get it. Hopefully. I'd have to find a time to get her away from Jasper. I couldn't even think of asking with Jasper around.

Charlie came home as oblivious as usual, I excused myself from eating dinner with him, pretending that I had homework to do. Well, there was that History paper I hadn't started yet...

I ate on my bed, my books sprawled around me. My abdomen cramped up and I laid back on to the bed, hoping it would help.

"Damn it," I groaned, and got up to lock my windows. "I'm sorry, Edward." Then returned to my bed.

The next day in school was horrible. Cramps hit hard once I got to school, I hardly had the power to even get out of the truck, but I saw the Volvo there, and Edward was waiting for me. What was I going to say? What was I going to do?

He looked worried, waiting for me to get out of the car.

Alice skipped up to him with Jasper dragging behind her, I watched as she said something to them then began her little skipping dance run over to me.

I opened the door as she approached and smiled at me while holding out a strip of Advil and some heat rub.

"Thanks," I said and took them off her, throwing two pills down instantly.

The bell went and she helped me out of the truck.

"We'll talk at lunch, okay?" She said. "You'll be fine."

She skipped off back to Edward and Jasper, said something and Alice practically dragged Edward away.

"Hey," Jessica said suddenly next to me, scaring the crap out of me. "Did you and Edward fight or something?"

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