Draco-head over heels

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(A/n: this is a smut warning. You have been warned so do not complain. Have fun reading a load of complete dog sh*t)

I grabbed the apple from his hand and bolted, knowing he was soon to follow. I couldn't help myself. He had taken the last, ripe, shiney, soft but crunchy, juicy green apple leaving the rest of us with ones that are hard and look as if they were last touched like three weeks ago.

I ran along the corridors, the few people who were either coming from or going to breakfast eyeing me all wondering what or who was chasing me. The confusion and hints of panic stopped once they saw the iconic platinum blonde haired boy in a fancy black suit right on my tail.

It wasn't long before I had reached the grassy courtyard and we began running around that.

"You can't catch me" I teased and sped up

"Challenge accepted, love"

It was the nickname that was my downfall. My legs give up and my heart flutters whenever he calls me by my pet name. I just stopped dead in my tracks and swooned. He hadn't seen me stop until it was to late and as he was trying to slow down (his arms flying around as he tried to regain control of his body) he bumped into me

"Ow" I said as I fell to the floor

"You could've warned me love" He chuckled and helped me up

"I'm fine. I've had worse injuries then a bruised butt and grazed hands. Remember last year in the Gryfinndor VS Ravenclaw. Those bloody twins and the bludgers"

"I still want to murder them for that"

"Dra, I was fine. It was only about a month in the hospital wing. It's a good job Madam Pomfrey and I are good friends"

"Only because you end up there constantly"

"What can I say..I'm a very clumsy girl"

"You're my very clumsy girl and I am proud to show you off to the entire school. Making Potter and every boy in this school jealous that I am with the prettiest girl in the school"

"Is that what I am Draco. Something you can use to make other boys jealous?"

"No..god no"

"I'm kidding. It's called a joke Malfoy"

He swang his arm around my back and dipped me into a very passionate kiss. Godric do I love this boy


"Do you still have it in you?" I questioned and raised my eyebrow.

"Just because we aren't in Hogwarts anymore doesn't me I have lost the ability to beat you in a broom race"

"Like you ever had that ability though Draco"


He scooped me up and kissed me.

"Love, can I ask you a question?" He said as he placed me on the ground, carefully. He pulled me into a sweet hug and kissed the top of my head

"Depends on what the question is"

"Have you ever thought that Malfoy sounds better then Blossom?"

"Any name is better then Blossom. It is a tainted name, but Yes Malfoy sounds better then Blossom"

"Maybe you should change it one day"

"I would love that. Y/N Malfoy"

"It has a nice ring to it"

"Are you doing this race or not" Blaise impatiently asked

"It's on"

I pushed from the hug and mounted my broom

"Three..two..one. Go!" Blaise announced and off Draco and I flew. We went around the manor and then around the grassland nearby

"I guess he still doesn't have it in him" I bragged as I landed back on the ground. Draco landed shortly after with a pout on his face

"You won" he said like a toddler having a tantrum

"You're too sweet" I teased and kissed his cheek. "I love you Draco"

"I love you too Y/N"


"Y/N Blossom, will you promise me that you will never stop loving me because I promise you that I will never stop loving you" He said and got down on one knee. I chuckled at the fact that it looked as if he was proposing to me

"I promise I will never stop loving you Malfoy. You're my one and only, the milk to my tea, the bread to my butter, the dance shoe to my dancer side"

"Of course you make a dance reference"

I twirled and then put my hand out for him to put the promise ring onto my finger. He stood and slipped his promise ring onto his finger. The second he had placed it were it felt comfortable for him mine tightened so that it was the perfect fit. Just the right size for my finger

"They are charmed so that they can only come off when you stop loving me or when it needs to be replaced by a wedding ring"

"I love it Draco. I really do"

"That's not the only present I got you"

He pulled out a music box in the shape of a piano. On the top was a small ballet dancer figure with similar features to me. A sweet tune began to play and the figure began to twirl across the top like it was a real human dancing across the stage but this time only tiny.

"You spoil me Malfoy"

"It's charmed to play that tune when I send my love to you. Do you like it?"

"No Malfoy..I love it just like I love you"

I placed the music box on the garden table and kissed him harder and more lovingly then I had ever kissed him before. He picked me up from the ground and walked into Malfoy Manor. Once we were in, he placed me on the kitchen island and shooed the house elves out.

His hands, which were still a little sweaty from nerves after giving me the gifts, found their way up my shirt and around to my back while mine rested perfectly on the back of his neck, every now and then running my finger through his gorgeous locks. The kisses become softer but longer and definitely more meaningful

"Draco" I mumbled once we had pulled away for a breath of air and his lips began to attack my neck

"I can stop if you want me to" He said and looked at me. His gorgeous grey eyes with a glint in them made my stomach turn into a rage of somersaults and butterflies.

"No, it's just this is going to escalate and your parents are home aren't they?"

"No, they are at this weird garden party thing. It's been three years since the wizarding war and they still go to garden parties"

I smiled and kissed him passionately again. We stopped and walked up to his bedroom, stopping every now and again to make out. He pushed me back onto the bed and crawled on top of me, pulling off my shirt. I unbuttoned his and threw it to the floor. My hands ran along his abs and his went around my back. His tounge was begging to enter my mouth and I allowed. His hand went down my back and to my butt. He rolled onto his back and pulled me with him.

We undressed each other and I lowered myself onto his member. He moaned and closed his eyes as I began to bounce up and down. To make sure I wasn't the only one putting in effort, Draco placed his hands on my hips and began to move me up and down. He moved slightly and hit my g-spot exactly. I squealed and covered my mouth to refrain myself from screaming every time he hit it. I bit my lip as the knot in my stomach began to loosen. My end was coming and I didn't want it to

"I'm going to -" he didn't finish the rest of the sentence

"Me too" I breathed heavily and he came a few seconds later, the erratic spurts hitting my g-spot making me cum as well. I got off him with cum leaking out of me onto his member and the bed a little. I laid next to him, panting, and he wrapped a slightly muscley arm around me. I knew he was trying his hardest to get me as close to him as possible. He placed soft kisses on the back of my neck as we both fell asleep

Let's Yeetus this Fetus

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