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"Is that Y/N?"
"Oh my god, That's Y/N Zabini"
"What's she doing here?"
"I thought she was expelled."
"Isn't your wand broken if you are expelled."
"I heard she got into a relationship with a professor at Beauxbatons and then transferred to Hogwarts when they were caught"
"I heard her father got sent to St Mungos because he's mind broken and her mother died"
"I wonder if her and Jackson broke up because of her terrible behaviour"
"No way! Y/N Zabini is back"
"Well I never thought I'd she her roaming these halls again"
"She really glowed up in her time away from Hogwarts"
"There's no way she is going to be allowed back here. Not after attacking a teacher"

People are stupid. They are dumb because they actually believe in those stupid rumours. Ok so a couple of those comments are true like me being back at Hogwarts, me getting expelled from Beauxbatons and me attacking a teacher but I have good reasons why all of those things happened.

My childhood wasn't the best. I was about three when my parents were tortured by some Ex death eaters for information. That's why my father has been in St Mungos my entire life. My mother didn't break but she couldn't bare to see my father the way he is so she ran off only to have her body found a few days later by some muggle hikers


So my parents weren't there to see me grow up and my grandparents had died only a few years before so I had no living relatives. This left me with foster families which then led to me getting adopted by the Zabinis. I hated my time at Beauxbatons, a stupid school of half veelas and I was the girl who didn't give two sh*ts about what she looked like

That was until I was expelled from there and given my final chance at going to a wizarding school at Hogwarts. Jackson was a Hufflepuff who captured my heart for a good two seconds before I met Neville longbottom. We become close friends but unfortunately for me...Neville was crushing on some air headed Hufflepuff called Hannah Abbott


Yes I did attack a teacher but in my defence he was bullying Neville, Ron and Harry and I am the only one allowed to bully Ron and Harry because they are like my siblings. Snape is a f*cking teacher, he shouldn't be allowed to get away with how much he bullies them but does Dumbledore He only cares about making sure Gryfinndor wins the house cup even if they are in last place.


I snapped from the daydream and looked around. I was in the great hall. The now empty great hall. Sitting on the table in front of me was my notebook where I had written down the things that I was just thinking instead of  the rest of my homework... great

"Seriously, again" Draco said, his eyes skimming over my notebook. I looked up at him with a tired pout.

"Well it's better than yesterday. You got no homework done then" Blaise said, turning the pages of my notebook back a few to reveal the work I had done. Four pages that were full of me ranting about how much I hate this school and how much I hate life

"Guys, it's fine..I'm just a little distracted" I protested, closing the notebook and sarcastically smirking at them. I gathered my things and we began walking out of the hall

"Are you joining us in Hogsmede today?" Pansy asked as they began walking out of the castle. I thought about it for a minute before shaking my head

"Like I said, I'm sort of distracted" I began but stopped when I saw some Hufflepuffs sending me some judgemental glares as they walked past. "See"

Harry Potter character fluffs and smuts [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now