Fred-That's impressive

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Fred's POV
Some music began to play in on of the rooms upstairs at 12 grimmald place

"Really Remus? Again?" Sirius looked at Remus and raised his eyebrows. Remus slowly nodded, failing miserably at stifling his laugh. "Next time, just let her join the meetings"

"Never" Remus whispered and shook his head

"W-Who is that?" Harry asked. He exchanged confused looks with us all

"Y/n" Sirius said. The music suddenly stopped and the upstairs floor boards creaked

"Who is Y/N?" I asked, curious

"She's my..." Remus was interrupted

"Dad?" A sweet voice asked. We all looked at the doorway and stood there was a girl with Y/H/C hair and Y/E/C eyes. She had some skinny jeans and a baggy oversized jumper which was hanging over her hands on. She looked around and saw us all, smiling softly at me. "You have company. I'll ask you later"

The girl began to walk away

"Y/N" Sirius said. She stopped walking and looked back at us all, tilting her head. "Come and sit. Your dad is stupid and isn't allowing you to join these meetings however, as your godfather I am allowing you. Come join us"

"Oh yay!" She exclaimed and took the seat next to me. "Thanks Sirius"

"Any time"

"So can we continue now that Y/N is here?" Remus asked

"Well...don't you need to fill me in on what has happened" Y/N folded her arms and raised her eyebrows. "You know, so I'm not confused"

"I.. Yeah you're right"

Your pov
I landed at the burrow, the polyjuice just wearing off. I stumbled as I hit the floor and immediately looked around. Bill and I were the last people there. I spotted my dad and Tonks inside and ran to them, hugging them tightly. Suddenly my dad pointed his wand at me with a stern look

"What happened to Y/N's mother?" My dad hissed at me. I gulped. This was a sensitive subject for me

"She was given a job offer in Romania with dragons where she was later died due to severe burns from a dragon. Her funeral was held when I was three"

I was immediately hugged by him

"I'm so glad you're safe" he sighed, a small kiss being placed on my head by him

"What the heck was that dad?" I asked, stepping back out of the hug. Before he could answer though, Arthur cut in

"Where's Mad Eye?"

"Mad Eye's dead" Bill said bluntly. The mood in the room changed. I spotted George on the couch, his ear cut off and I was quickly by Freds side.

"What happened George?" I laughed softly

"Sectumsempra" My dad said for him. "Snape was aiming for a death eater but hit George instead"

"Is there anything we can do?" Molly asked

"No" I said. Everyone looked at me. "It has been cursed off. There's not much we can do besides bandage it up"

Ginny walked upstairs and then came back down, throwing me a bandage. I sighed and wrapped it gently around Georges head after having cleaned up most of the blood. Everyone departed into different rooms and George was escorted upstairs, joking that he was royalty, which left just Fred and I in the burrows living room. I sighed, raking my hands through my hair

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