Harry-12 grimmauld place

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"My mother did that after I ran away" I overheard Sirius Black say to Harry Potter. I smiled, knowing what he was talking about. I couldn't quite tell if it was a sad or a happy smile, either way it was a smile.

"Where did you go?" Harry asked back

"You're dads. They were always welcoming the Potters. Took me in as one of their own" Sirius replied and that's when I moved off of the step I had been sat on and butted in

"You then found out about me. Your niece" I hugged my uncle before looking at Harry. (I am fully aware that Regulus was young when he died but for this, he was older)

"Where's your portrait on here then Y/N?" Harry sincerely asked. I pointed at another burnt out picture

"She did that after I chose to befriend a muggle born." I sighed. "Her exact words to me were 'You're a traitor and we all know what happens to traitors. Why can't you be more like your father. He made this family name proud, you just ruin it'. I was eleven so I didn't know anything about blood purity. I just wanted to make friends and learn but I couldn't do that without tarnishing the Black family name"

The room fell silent. I looked up at my uncle as he gently placed a kiss on my head

"You did nothing wrong Y/N" He smiled and then walked off. Harry sent me another smile before he left the room and went to find his friends. I sighed one last time before looking at the Black family tree

"I'm not sorry grandmother" I whispered, turning on my heel and leaving the room

"Harry, are you alright?" I asked. He had left the room while Ron and Hermione were playing the piano. I took his hand and caressed his cheek with my other hand. I realised what that must have felt and looked like and drew my hand away again. "I'm sorry"

He smiled at me before taking both my hands in his.

"I know you are his niece but you kimd of remind me of Sirius" He chuckled softly. I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head to one side


"The grey eyes and medium length, brownish hair"

"Grey eyes are a family thing. In my immediate family, we practically all have or had them and apparently my mother had brownish hair so I probably get it from her" I explained. "As for the length, well that's my own choice and I have always just preferred it as a medium length therefore it doesn't get in the way to often but also allows me to style it in more ways than I could with short hair...It's stupid, I know"

Again he chuckled softly and then sighed

"You seem stressed. Are you sure you're alright?"

"It's just, Dumbledore may have been a mentor to me however he hasn't done a very good job in telling me how to destroy these horcruxs or even where to find them" He frustratedly sighed. "He died having left me the snitch I won in my first qudditch match and the now lost sword of Gryffindor."

"He left them to you for a good reason though. It's not like he couldn't find anything to give you I mean you Harry freaking Potter, there's probably loads he could have left you and yet he decided to leave those two things to you which shows that they are important. You may not know how or why just yet however you'll figure it out eventually. You, Ron and Hermione always do"

"I suppose you are right"

"When am I not?"

He rolled his eyes. I laughed softly and took a small step closer

"You know, I was extremely young when I met your parents however I can't help but see that you're James just with Lilys eye" I said. My tone was soft and comforting

"Y-you met them?"

"Yeah, I was two and you had just been born." I nodded. "You were such an adorable baby. I'm not sure what happened"

"HEY!" He dramatically exclaimed and slapped my arm. I noticed him glance over my shoulder so I turned. He was looking at the room where the Black family tree was. I let go of his hands and walked towards it, cringing when the door creaked loudly. It had been a while since I had looked at the family tree but nothing had changed. Mine and Sirius' pictures were still blacked out

I reached out a hand and gently brushed my fingers over the fabric while I read out a name

"Regulus Arcturus Black" I read out. "Or as I know you, Dad"

I flinched when I felt Harry lay a hand on my back. He looked at me and I could just about see the corner of his mouth curl up into a smile. I looked back at family tree and it didn't take long before I had found my uncles burnt out picture. At the same time, Harry and I reached out to touch it, drawing our hands back when they accidentally touched. I looked at Harry with a deep blush and laughed when I saw he was blushing as well. The silence we had stood in was broken when I saw a tear trickle down his cheek

"Harry? What's wrong?" I asked, turning away from the family tree. Harry turned to look at me and I could clearly see that it wasn't just a single tear. Without even thinking, I put my arms around him and hugged him. He hesitantly hugged me back and I quietly comforted him. "It hurts for me to Harry" I sighed

"H-He was the loving dad I never got" Harry sighed

"He was like that to me as well Harry" I said quietly. I felt Harry tighten the hug and I didn't hesitate to tighten it even more. I looked up at him and smiled. Unexpectedly, we leaned in and our lips slowly touched. Our lips moved together in a perfect manor and after we had pulled away, we spent a minute or so getting lost in the others eyes

"Y/N, thank you"

"For what?"

"For making me feel better. I feel less stressed than I did before"

I smiled, not quite sure how to answer. Harry placed another kiss against my lips.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" He asked

"You just did" I smirked. "Yeah, go ahead"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded and put my forehead against his. He kiss my nose before closing his eyes. I closed mine and allowed myself to get lost in my thoughts.

Why I felt so safe in Harrys arms, I don't know but it did feel nice to finally feel safe. Being in his arms made me finally feel protected and that put both his mind and mine at ease

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