Introduction - let's talk about feelings (just kidding)

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Hey guys! A few of you actually showed interest in my idea, so I figured I'd do it because, if even one person gets something out of this it will be worth it.

Obviously, this is a pretty crazy time for all of us, and I don't think anyone has ever experienced something like this (*cough* unless you are 100+ *cough*) so it's important that we all band together and support each other and blah blah blah. 

Anyways, what I am hoping that this "story" can be is just a series of prompts, activities, conversations, etc. that will keep us sane while we deal with our individual lives. You don't have to be "in quarantine" to participate, and honestly, if this does well, I'll probably keep going with it after all the insanity of Corona is done. I will be posting about a prompt a week and will try to write a story myself associated with each. Hopefully, when we are done there will be a little group of stories for each prompt for us all to read and talk about with each other. I know that personally for me what has kept me sane so far has been being able to talk to my friends and family, even if it is just over the phone, and y'all are amazing beautiful people and awesome writers and I love talking to you all and hearing your opinions on everything. Let's stir the pot and see how many creative juices we can pour into it (ew, that sounded disgusting. whoops). 

One of my favourite things about being a writer and posting my works to the internet at large is being able to get feedback and to hear from everyone what they think of my writing. I know this is also true for many others and that we have all heard it a thousand times, but comments and feedback are what keep us all writing. Having an audience and being able to access them and make them happy (and sad, and angry, and disgusted) is what makes writing a worthwhile pastime. As great as it is to braindump everything stuck in my head onto a piece of paper, I probably wouldn't do it if I didn't know there were people out there reading it every day and enjoying it. 

Of course, now I'm just waxing poetic about the joys of the internet, but on a larger note, let's be real: we all love hearing from others about something we worked hard to create. On that note, there's a couple of things I want to get out of the way before we can get into the juicy stuff (oh god, again Fay?):

1. Please don't shame anyone else's work or thoughts: we are all individuals and no one needs to feel worse about themselves. As a community, we should work to build each other up, not tear each other down. 

2. Everyone's thoughts are valid: there is nothing you can say on here that is "wrong" or "useless". There is always someone out there who will be happy to read it and reply (definitely at least me). If you see something you like, say so! If you have something to contribute, do it! No one can tell you your thoughts aren't important (they'd be lying).

3. That being said: this is not a 'mature' story, please do not make me have to turn that on. I don't mind swearing, I myself probably swear too much, but no mature content. I don't want to have to deal with that. 

4. That means both kinds of swearing, neither (too many) curses nor oaths are allowed. (again, I'm okay with a few if they fit with the character and continue the plot)

5. We are an inclusive community: no matter who you are, what you believe, or where you come from you won't be hated on here. If you are at any time uncomfortable with anything being said or written on here, please pm me and I will do what I can to fix it. That is the one time I am willing to get rid of or moderate anyone's creative work.


Yep... I'm pretty sure that's it, now we can go make a creative juice stew. Comment what flavour your creative juices are, mine are pomegranate.

 Comment what flavour your creative juices are, mine are pomegranate

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Oh my god, I made it 100x worse.

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