Prompt #1: Unlikely Meetings

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Hi! Welcome back, this week's prompt is 'Unlikely Meetings':

This is part one of my 'Roll a Story' series. Basically, the premise is that you get one or two dice (real or online)* and roll them to find out which characters and plot point you will use to write your short story. For this one, we are combining characters from all of Tolkien's works using people from The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion and placing them together. Using your roll, you will take two or more characters who are unlikely to have ever met in real life and write an interaction between them using the plot point you will roll. This can be serious, romantic, humourous, whatever you want. The point is just to have fun and get to explore Tolkien's characters in a totally unlikely scenario. Your interaction can take place in the 'blank room' setting or you can write a more canonical interaction, attempting to find a point in Tolkien's written material where the characters (by some stretch of the imagination) could have met.

Between the character options for each number there is an "or" this is so that you have a choice as to who you want to include. For example, if I rolled numbers 4 and 11, I would have the choice of any combination for the four characters who appeared under those two numbers (in this case: Thranduil, Ambarussa, Curufin, and Thorin). Obviously, for the purpose of this prompt, the best combinations might be the ones spanning stories (like Ambarussa and Thorin, or Thranduil and Curufin) but the choice is up to you!

The 'topic' section is again up to you how to use. It can be the actual topic of their conversation or it could be the underlying theme of your story (mine are never that fancy, the characters show up and order me around like tiny demons inside my head). Feel free to reroll if you haven't read the Silmarillion, I know many people haven't. In the future, if one prompt feels too targetted towards the Silm, I will post the same one more aimed towards LotR and TH.

To post your story, you can either attach comment it here or tag me in your story when you post it, and I'll put it in on the next page. Have fun!


1. Maglor     or     Aragorn

2. Elrond     or     Luthien

3. Frodo     or     Fingon

4. Thranduil     or     Ambarussa (both)

5. Fëanor     or     Merry

6. Boromir     or     Caranthir

7. Celegorm     or     Bilbo

8. Maedhros     or     Faramir

9. Celebrimbor     or     Galadriel

10. Gimli     or     Turgon

11. Curufin     or    Thorin

12. Sam     or     Finrod


1. Betrayal

2. Trust

3. Loyalty

4. Siblings/Family/Friends

5. Science

6. Childhood

7. Reunion

8. Weaponry

9. Memory

10. Magic

11. Gods/Religion

12. Tradition/Holidays

*If any of you are looking for a good pair online dice (never thought I'd say that), here's a good website:

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