𝖔. once i was a rich girl...

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       *:・゚✧ROBIN AND JONNY GOODMAN HAD BEEN FRIENDS FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE CENTURIES, when really the first time they met was in a year seven science lesson

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       *:・゚✧ROBIN AND JONNY GOODMAN HAD BEEN FRIENDS FOR WHAT SEEMED LIKE CENTURIES, when really the first time they met was in a year seven science lesson. Well technically, it was outside the lesson, when they had been sent out, but still, they still acquainted each other there.

      It started off with the boy flinging rulers at his mate from across the classroom and it accidentally hitting Robin in the head, as a result Robin threw one back, which caused Mrs Ralph to send her out. The girl sulked, (Robin never gets in trouble!), and Jonny felt bad making him say: I started it! So he was sent out too.

       Robin thought it was strange at first, no boy had ever done anything that nice for her before not even any of her year seven boyfriends and trust me, she had, had her fair share of them! So as the young Jonny Goodman joined her outside, she thanked him for his bravery in admitting the truth.

      They never really had spoke before, they weren't exactly in the same friendship groups at school, of course they knew each other, like Robin knew that Jonny had an older brother a couple years above them, and that he was known for getting into trouble. Jonny knew the basic stuff too like Robin worked at the local nursing homes on Friday evenings to help the elderly and was the one who organised the bake sale for cancer research the month prior, but they didn't know, know each other and all took was a stupid science lesson to change that.

       After that they became partners in crime! They were inseparable and soon it became every teachers worst nightmare for them to be sitting next to each other. Robin's grades dropped the tiniest bit, but she was happy and that was all that mattered. Jonny thought she was brilliant! She was so smart and even though she acted like a goody two shoes sometimes, she wasn't half mischievous. He even thought his best friend smelt like gingerbread, all though he never would admit to that. As for Robin, she thought he was stupid, but then again she loved stupid.

        It wasn't until a couple months later things started to change, Jonny got his first girlfriend, which was a big deal at the time and Robin's parents were going through a divorce. Jonny was there of course, coming to her door every morning with her favourite chocolate bar (twix and the occasional mars bar) and after school, he would buy her an ice cream, with pink sherbet (not the blue!) because best friends know what sherbet is their favourite and which one is their least. Robin helped him choose what to get his girlfriend for valentines day, she said Chanel perfume but that was way out of his budget, so they agreed on a teddy bear and chocolates instead. Write how much you love her! She would say and: Finish off with 'lot's of love your jonny boo!' She'd get the reply of: No way! and a playful shove.

FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE  ━━ Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now