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(chapter four)

 (chapter four)

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        *:・゚✧THE LAST FACEMASK, WHAT A TRAGEDY, say goodbye to clear skin, she tells herself, as she beings to slap the green clay onto her face

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*:・゚✧THE LAST FACEMASK, WHAT A TRAGEDY, say goodbye to clear skin, she tells herself, as she beings to slap the green clay onto her face. Robin told herself she would be rationing her skin care until she found a proper job, but you see, job hunting is so tiring, and the girl just needs a pamper and to put her hair in some rollers.

Living alone is a curious thing, Robin discovers. She notices that every time, she plays her music or turns up her tv just above ten, her neighbour will start banging on the walls furiously, at first she thought it was the spirit of Barbara, the old woman who used to live there, but now she just expects it's a grumpy old man.

Microwave meals and pot noodles, also seem to be her best friend, and instead of going to the nightclubs of evening, she spends her nights flicking through the Freeview channels, or reading the latest 'OK!' magazine, however tonight is different, because as she boils the kettle for her pot noodle, and flicks through her tv guide, to see when strictly is on, it's interrupted by a large 'BANG!', as suddenly the entirety of the flat complex is pitch black.

"Oh for fucks sake!" She hears next door yell, (these walls are extremely thin!)

Robin groans, thats the thing about living in a dodgy flat complex, the kids that live there thinks it's funny to mess with the metre box... well it's not! Robin swears this must be the sixth time this week, now her bloody pot noodle is going to be delayed! Oh god and what about strictly!? Robin can't miss that hot Mexican babe do the salsa, it was going to be the highlight of her night!

She fetches some candles to light, and some to give to her neighbour, she tried to give him some last time but it seemed he was out... unless he was just ignoring her.

Robin doesn't understand what his problem is, like okay maybe she does blast abba at the crack of dawn and sing along at the top of her lungs, even though she knows she's terrible, but if she didn't do these things, she'd hardly be able to make it through the day. In other words, the poor girl would still be moping round, feeing sorry for herself, and Robin has no time for that! She needs to get a move on and find herself a job, otherwise soon, it's guaranteed her nasty landlord will kick her out of her flat, sending her crawling back to Kensington to live with her dads, before she can even count to ten.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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