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(chapter one)

 (chapter one)

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       *:・゚✧ "I JUST REALLY THOUGHT HE WAS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Y'KNOW, I JUST WANTED MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER WAS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?" A very drunk bride sniffles, as she continued to chug on an expensive bottle of champagne

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*:・゚✧ "I JUST REALLY THOUGHT HE WAS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Y'KNOW, I JUST WANTED MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER WAS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR?" A very drunk bride sniffles, as she continued to chug on an expensive bottle of champagne.

It's supposed to be her wedding day, she should be on her way to her honeymoon by now, but she's not because shes ran away. She couldn't marry him, not after what he's done. Robin Sweets knows Adrian Alexpoulos cheated in her with the housemaid, she's not a fool.

Now she's here on an unfamiliar park bench looking out on to a pond, or should she say ditch? She doesn't really know, her vision blurred long ago when she was only just on her fourth bottle of liquor, she lost count earlier this afternoon. She is so going to regret this in the morning, she can feel herself on the verge of chucking her guts up and her head is spinning, if she was to stand up now, she could guarantee she wouldn't be able to walk in a straight line.

It's a strange feeling being back in Mill Hill, she decides as she pours her heart out to a funny looking stranger with a Tervuran as a companion. Robin doesn't really remember the place that much, of course she's been here over the past few years to visit her mum and her new husband but had never really been to this part of town she thought, or so she thinks.

The girl had wanted to get married at Mill Hill church, the place she had wanted to get wedded at since she was thirteen, she wasn't religious, Robin just thought it was the prettiest church she had ever seen, no other church could compare! Now it's not, she doesn't think she will ever be able to face that church again without bursting into tears.

"Oh, i'm so stupid Jim! I've made a terrible mistake, haven't i?" Robin cries, shivering from the cold night air.

Jim looks at her in bewilderment before he says, "Didn't you say this greek man cheated on you?"

Robin takes a moment of thought, this peculiar man she only just met at what seemed moments ago, does have a lot more common sense then she does, then again she's drunk and he... lets just say he would be acting strange if he was sober.

FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE  ━━ Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now