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(chapter three)

 (chapter three)

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           *:・゚✧MAVIS SCOTTS IS LIKE A REINCARNATION OF SUPER NANNY, except instead of teaching little kids on how to behave, she's teaching reckless, runaway brides, on how to sober up

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*:・゚✧MAVIS SCOTTS IS LIKE A REINCARNATION OF SUPER NANNY, except instead of teaching little kids on how to behave, she's teaching reckless, runaway brides, on how to sober up. The reckless bride in this case, or should i say subject to Mavis Scotts strict tendencies happens to be her dear friend, Robin Sweets.

Robin doesn't even have time to notice that she's in Mavis' apartment, before the girl is bombarding her with questions all about last night, Robin swears she thinks her friend is some detective or agent, who's desperately trying to crack the case of why the bride ran away, there's not much to crack though, Robin practically screamed why she couldn't marry him. (Dare, she speak his name!)

Her head pounds and pounds, as the curly headed girl, continues to throw questions at her, someone get her a hair of the dog, she thinks, or give me an extra hour of sleep.

Robin's knew Mavis since she started at her private school, and, let me just say, it's been a hell of a ride since then. Mavis Scotts speaks her mind, she's got a knack for telling the truth, even when it hurts. Robin thinks she acts the way she does because her mum caught her smoking pot, and decided it was best if she was sent to military school, to knock some sense into the girl. It did, and when Mavis was old enough to drop out, she came back an entirely different person. The once relaxed, chilled, go with the flow girl, came back uptight and harsh, scary even! When Robin asked what had happened to her, Mavis simply replied: I'm not a girl anymore dear Robin. I'm a woman. Mavis ended up becoming a model, she said the training at the camp, gave her killer abs! It did, Robin swears she made of metal, like the girl version of wolverine, it's honestly terrifying.

Robin always felt anxious when she wondered what it would like to be on Mavis Scotts bad side. She suspected maybe at the least she would be brutally murdered in her sleep, or chased round the apartment complex with a chainsaw, but this, this is much worse. Mavis isn't mad, she's not insane, and she certainly doesn't have a chainsaw, the maid of honour in front of her is wearing a disappointing frown, and thats a lot worse.

FRIDAY I'M IN LOVE  ━━ Jonny GoodmanWhere stories live. Discover now