"My Accent, Huh?" (UkUS Lemon Turned Fluff, College AU)

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A/N: Okay so I have my stuff on Ao3 as well (My username is the same) and this request came from there. Also- I (an American) have a friend in England who I have been talking to for quite a while via messaging, but we used voice stuff for the first time not long ago and... fuck. I'm ashamed to admit that I found his accent very, very attractive. I even started blushing a bit. Which is bullshit because I don't blush. So yeah. I drew on that experience for inspiration. Edit: We're dating now!!! :D

Summary: Alfred can't help but find Arthur's British accent incredibly sexy.

Word count: 3,054

Estimated read time: 17 minutes

Request for Mcwollybob

College AU

Alfred was a good liar. Ever since he was a kid, he always had a knack for deception and avoiding the truth. He didn't use it with malicious intent, of course. It was mostly for things like, 'No, mom, I didn't break that!' and 'Your new haircut? I love it!'

It was a useful skill to him that he utilized quite often and it never failed him before. But then he met Arthur.

Arthur Kirkland moved to New York City a little over four months ago and shacked up with Alfred because paying rent was difficult in the Big Apple. Both were political science majors at Colombia University, though Arthur originally attended Oxbridge in England. The only reason he was in America was for a foreign exchange program his mother had made him sign up for, insisting that it would benefit his career someday.

Ever since they met, Alfred was aware that Arthur hated him. Literally the day he moved in, the first thing he said was, "Don't try to be my friend. I don't like you, this sesspool of a country, or that shabby university and none of those things are going to change. So do us both a favour and stay out of my way."

At first, Alfred didn't like him back. It wasn't hard to despise the Briton when he was constantly prancing around like he was better than everyone else just because he was from the UK. He had a whole agenda against the United States that Alfred was subjected to listening to more than he would have liked.

"Your House of Representatives is a mess," Arthur would often say when scrolling through the news. "Christ, look at these bloody fools. You elected these morons?"

And while Alfred had to admit that the legislative branch wasn't perfect, he didn't appreciate a foreigner belittling him for it all the time.

He'd typically respond with, "Says the one with Boris Johnson for a Prime Minister."

To which Arthur would reply, "Donald Trump. Does any more need to be said?"

And they'd end up debating executive policy until one or the other was too livid to continue.

Essentially, 'unlikeable' barely scratched the surface of Arthur's personality. Which is why it made no sense that Alfred was slowly finding himself more and more attracted to him.

It started off small. Their hands brushed and he felt his stomach do a flip, he had a dream about living a domestic life with him, that kind of thing. He tried to deny it at first, but once he was regularly waking up from wet dreams about his British roommate and sneaking to the bathroom for some relief in the middle of the night, he had to face the truth.

Admitting it to himself made everything much, much worse. All of a sudden, he was very bad at hiding how flustered Arthur could make him. He'd done his best to be a better roomie and get closer to Arthur (which, somehow, worked) but as he did so, he blushed more than he ever had in his entire life.

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