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Harry Potter woke up at King's Cross Station, but it wasn't the same. Everything was white and clean. He looked down at himself and noticed that he was naked, the minute Harry thought of getting some clothes they appeared on his body. Harry stood up and began to walk through the station. He suddenly noticed a grotesque form lying underneath one of the benches. It seemed to be a dried-up form of Voldemort, taking pity on the pathetic thing, Harry was about to reach underneath to help it.

“You can't help him now, Darling,” A voice said behind him.

Harry quickly turned around and noticed a couple standing behind him. He knew instantly that they were his parents. Harry smiled and rushed into his parents' open arms, “Mum, Dad, what are you doing here? Where am I?”

“You're in between the afterlife and the living, Son, and your mother and I were sent by Death to talk with you. He thought you could use a friendly face right now,” James said.

“So, I died in the forest?”

“Yes, son, you did,” Lily answered.

“Does that mean I get to move on and be with you and the others?” Harry questioned.

“Not yet, Love. Since you are the only one to have united the Hallows without the intention of using them, Death has decided to give you a second chance at life.”

“But I don't want a second chance; I don't deserve one.”

“And that, right there, makes you worthy, Son. Your selflessness has made you worthy of having a second chance at a better life.”

Harry sighed, “Alright, I guess I have no say in this. Wait, what about Voldemort and the last Horcrux?”

Lily and James smiled, “Don't worry about it. Neville will take care of Nagini, and the others will defeat Voldemort, especially when you call the Elder Wand to you. You're its master, after all.”

Harry concentrated on the Elder Wand. He felt his magic surge through him, then suddenly, the wand appeared in his hand along with the Resurrection Stone and his Invisibility Cloak. The cloak wrapped itself around Harry, and the stone seemed like a necklace around his neck.

“Now that I have the Hallows does that make me the Master of Death,” Harry asked.

“No one can master death, Harry Potter.”

Harry quickly turned and saw a figure standing behind him dressed in a shroud holding a large sickle. Harry could see his bony hand gripping tightly to the sickle. Harry's eyes widened and turned to look at his parents, who bowed to the being behind him.

“Lord Death,” Harry's parents said in unison.

Death nods in their direction; then, he turns to look at Harry, “What you have now become, Harry Potter is my champion. You will fight the battles that I need you to fight. I am sending you to a world where you are needed most.”

“Oh, no. I'm tired of being somebody's champion. Besides, my parents said I would be able to live a life that I deserve.”

“And you will. You will become a Prince of the realm, and through you, Westeros will experience the most peace and progress that it has ever known in its history. But all things come at a price. In the end, you will help defeat a great evil that will tear the land apart. You, my champion, will help defeat the Night King. But you will not do it alone. I shall help you.” Death informs Harry.


“I will provide you with all the tools you will need to defeat the Other. Your magic will be intact, and a friend will be sent along with you to help you on your journey. He is already in Westeros waiting for your arrival.”

“Who,” Harry asked, looking at the cloaked figure then turning to look at his parents who were smiling at him.

“Your dogfather, of course.”

“Sirius?! Sirius will be there for me?”

“Yes, Love. He's going to help you through your tough times.”

“Does he have his magic as well?”

“Yes, he does,” James said.

“How will I know him, Dad?”

James smiled, “Don't worry, Son, he'll know you. Now, are you ready to go?”

Harry nodded, “I'm ready.”

“Good, now give us a hug before you go,” Lily said.

Harry runs into the arms of his parents, and they both hug him, fiercely, “We love you, Harry.”

“I love you too, Mum, Dad.”

“Go, now, enjoy your life, and make us proud.”

Harry stepped away from his parents and walked over to Death. He took a deep breath and looked up at the tall figure, “I'm ready.”

“Good luck, Harry Potter, we will meet again,” Death said then swiped his sickle at Harry cutting him in half.

Harry slowly began to fade out of existence.

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