Chapter 2 Mother Knows Best

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The next few years proved interesting for young Orys. He learned to walk and talk before he was one. By the time he was two, Orys was already reading. Grand Maester Pycelle called him a prodigy, Orys made his parents very proud. By the time Orys was three, he had looked like a five-year-old. He was much taller than children his age and also broader. Robert said it was due to the Baratheon blood in him.

The same year that Orys turned three, his mother fell pregnant again and gave birth to another son, much to the delight of the king, now he had his heir and a spare. Just as Orys was pure Baratheon, this baby was pure Lannister. The baby, named Tygett, after Cersei's dead uncle, had blonde hair and green eyes. Robert carried Orys into the chambers so he could see his new brother.

Orys peered down from his father's arms at his new baby brother. He looked at his mother, “Can I play with him, mother,” Orys asked.

Robert chuckled, “No, son, not for a while. He's far too young to play with you. Give him a few years; then, you two can play.”

Orys looked up at his father with big blue eyes and nodded, “Alright, father.”

Robert set Orys down so that he could get a closer look at Tygett. Cersei motioned her son closer to the bed, and Orys shyly walked over. Cersei uncovered Tygett so that Orys could get a better look, “He looks like you, and Uncle Jaime, Mother.” Orys said.

“Yes, he does, My love, he has the Lannister look.”

“Do I look like a Lannister,” Orys asked.

“Yes, My Sweet Summer Child. You have my cheekbones.”

Orys giggled and leaned over to kiss his baby brother. At that moment, Tygett opened his green eyes and smiled at his brother. From that moment on, Orys loved his baby brother and vowed always to guide and take care of Tygett. When Orys moved, Robert leaned down and kissed Cersei on the lips, “I must speak with you in private, My Queen,” Robert whispered.

Cersei nodded and handed Tygett to his wetnurse, “Orys, isn't it time for your lessons with Grand Maester Marwyn?” On Sirius's suggestion, Robert had asked the Citadel to send a new Maester to replace Grand Maester Pycelle. Sirius and Robert agreed that Pycelle was getting too old to keep up with Orys and had asked him to step down the year before.

Orys' eyes widened, “Yes, father, I almost forgot.” He went up to his mother and kissed her on the cheek, then hugged his father's leg. Robert laughed and ruffled Orys' hair.

Once the room was cleared, Robert brought a chair over and sat down next to Cersei, “How are you feeling, My Queen?”

“I'm feeling well.”

“Cersei, we must have a serious discussion about Tygett.”

Cersei's heart started racing, and her hands began sweating. Could Robert know that Tygett wasn't his?

“Cersei, I know the boy isn't mine.”

“Robert I-”

“Don't bother denying it, Varys saw you with another man. But I want you to know that I forgive you, and I will claim Tygett as my own.”

Cersei's eyes began to fill with tears, and she took Robert's hand in hers, “I'm sorry, Robert. I'm sorry for being unfaithful.”

“I know you are. Though I must tell you that I was enraged when I found out and I was going to have you and that Lannister bastard executed, but you are my son's mother and I will not take his mother from him. And I also realized that I love you too much to take your life.”

Cersei's eyes filled with tears as she heard Robert tell her he loved her. Cersei never thought that she would listen to those words come from Robert's mouth. This caused Cersei to feel even more guilty about cheating on Robert with Jaime. She vowed to herself that it would never happen again.

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