Chapter 6 The Discovery

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The next morning there was a knock at Sirius's door. Sirius got up and answered the door; he was surprised to find Lord Varys on the other side of his door, “Lord Varys, what brings you by so early?”

“I have grave news from my little birds, Lord Baratheon. Lord Baelish and Lady Lysa Arryn were found dead in one of Lord Baelish's establishments.”

Sirius gave Lord Varys a shocked look, “What were they doing at Baelish's whorehouse?”

“My little birds found them in a compromising position. The odd thing is there are no wounds on the body to explain their deaths.”

“Perhaps they were poisoned,” Sirius suggested.

Lord Varys thought for a moment, “That is the only explanation that makes sense,” He conceded, “My Lord, how did you want to handle this situation,” Lord Varys asked Sirius.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, “Why are you asking me?”

“Because Lord Sirius, of three Baratheons that are in the Red Keep, you are by far the most tact. You may be bold and boisterous as the King, but you know the meaning of the word discreet,” Lord Varys informed Sirius.

Sirius nodded, he couldn't argue with that. Both Robert and Stannis were too straight forward. And Sirius had learned from the mistakes of his previous life, so he knew how to hold his tongue when necessary.

“Alright, the first thing we need to do is get their bodies back to the keep as quickly and quietly as possible. Take them to Maester Marwyn and have him inspect them. And while this is going on, I will inform Robert, and from there, we will inform Jon of the death of his wife. Meanwhile, I need you to investigate why Lady Arryn was with Petyr other than their rendezvous. I think there is more to this story than meets the eye.”

“Yes, because Lord Baelish was known to have loved Catelyn Stark.”

Lord Varys was waiting to see the surprised look, but there wasn't one. Sirius knew that, and he knew precisely what Petyr was planning, but he needed the intentions of Baelish to be discovered by someone else. So, the Spider not seeing the reaction he wanted to see from Lord Sirius, Lord Varys excused himself and left Sirius' solar and got to work.

After Lord Varys left, Sirius asked for the maids to bring in water for him to bathe. After he had washed, Sirius got dressed in his House colors and asked for the servants to deliver a note to the King. The letter read that Sirius had something important to talk to Robert about before breakfast.

Robert and Cersei were still asleep when Sirius's servant approached Ser Jaime, who was guarding the door, with a note from the king's brother. Ser Jaime glared at the servant and took the letter from the servant and told her that he would make sure that he would give it to the king.

Jaime was in a murderous mood. It was bad enough that the king and his sister had been sharing a bed-chamber since after Orys was born, but now he came to find out that that idiot of a king and his sweet sister were trying to have another baby. Jaime wasn't sure if Robert put him to guard the door on purpose or if it was Cersei. Either way, he had almost rushed in several times when he heard the couple in the throes of passion.

So, to ease some of his sufferings, Jaime decided to open the letter and read it. His eyes widened and thought that the information was something his father should know. But as soon as he considered that, Jaime quickly forgot it. Sirius was no idiot, Any letter that he sent to anyone, he would put a compulsion charm on it so that whoever reads it that wasn't the person it was intended for would instantly forget what was written unless the recipient showed to them himself. Sirius had also charmed any quill, ink, or parchment that his family used to send letters so that the same thing would happen. He wanted to see if anyone was reading their correspondence.

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