Chapter 1 Reborn

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**The idea for this story came from fellow writer Lord Traya's Reincarnation.**

Cersei Baratheon nee Lannister was in agony. She had been in labor for hours on end, and still, her son had yet to arrive, “Push, Your Grace,” Cersei heard the midwife say.

“Only a little more and the little prince will be born,” Maester Pycelle said.

Cersei gritted her teeth and gave one final push. She let out her breath when she heard the wail of her newborn babe, “It's a boy, Your Grace!” Smiling, Cersei laid back on her plush pillows to rest while the handmaidens cleaned up her son.

Once the baby was cleaned and swaddled, they handed him over to Cersei. She peered down at her son, who had his father's black hair and had the most mesmerizing blue eyes. Cersei was slightly disappointed that her first child wasn't Jaimes, but staring down at those blue eyes, she instantly fell utterly in love with her new son.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and King Robert came into the room. He quietly crept his way towards Cersei, who smiled at him and show Robert, his son, “You have a son, Your Grace,” Cersei said.

Robert carefully took the bundle out of Cersei's arms and stared down at his firstborn son. The baby stared back at him and smiled, Robert chuckled, “The boy already knows who his father is.” Robert said fondly.

The longer Robert stared at those blue eyes, the more he felt the love growing in his heart until nothing was left in it but the love for his son. Robert looked up at his wife, ‘My wife and son,’ He thought in realization.

With that thought, Robert made a vow to himself that he would do his best to make this marriage between Cersei and him work. For the sake of his son. Handing his son back to his mother, Robert stroked Cersei's cheek fondly.

“I know that things have been rough between us since we got married. But I would like to make amends and start over if we can, My Queen. If not for us for the sake of our son,” Robert said.

Cersei's mouth fell open at hearing Robert's words. She never thought that she would listen to him utter something like that. Cersei stared up into his blue eyes, trying to decide if he was telling the truth. All Cersei could see was sincerity shining in his blue orbs. She smiled up at her husband, “I would like to give our marriage a try, My King.”

Robert smiled at Cersei and kissed her head, “What do you want to name him,” He asked.

“He is your firstborn son; I think you should name him,” Cersei said.

Robert thought for a moment, “Orys, Orys Baratheon Second of his Name.”

After naming his son, the wetnurse took Orys from Cersei to feed him. Cersei began to doze off, so Robert decided to let her sleep. He quietly left his wife's chambers and closed the door. Robert went back to his room and poured himself a goblet of wine, he closed his eyes and made a toast, “To you, Lyanna, I loved you very much, but it's time to let you go for the sake of my family.” With a heavy heart, he finally let Lyanna Stark go. After finally letting the memory of Lyanna Stark go, Robert had ravens sent throughout Westeros, proclaiming the birth of his firstborn son, Orys Baratheon, and Robert ordered that a feast be prepared in his son's honor.

Harry Potter opened his eyes and saw a beautiful blonde woman smiling and staring down at him. He stared back at her and wondered what was going on; he suddenly remembered his conversation with his parents and Lord Death.

‘This must be my new mother,’ Harry thought, ‘She's pretty, and I love her eyes.’

Harry heard other voices in the room; he was suddenly passed to someone else who he assumed was his new father. The man smiled down at him, and Harry smiled back, ‘This could be good,’ Harry thought.

After listening to his parents talk about working on their marriage, Harry Potter or Orys Baratheon, as he was now known, was taken by another woman to be fed. He nursed from his wetnurse then slowly fell asleep, hoping that this life would be at least slightly more comfortable than his first. It was going to be interesting being the Prince of Westeros.

Jaime Lannister was confused and angry. His beloved twin had given birth to a son, and it wasn't his. He couldn't believe it, after all the time he had spent with his darling sister, to have her firstborn son be that oaf of a king's child enraged Jaime. The thought of killing her son and the king ran through his mind. It wouldn't be the first time they would call him a kingslayer, and it didn't bother him that he would be a kinslayer as well. But Jaime saw the love in Cersei's eyes when she looked at her son, and he couldn't bring himself to take that away from her. So, if Jaime couldn't kill the brat, he would plant his seed in Cersei womb and ensure that the next child would be his.

A few months after Cersei had given birth to Orys, Robert decided to introduce his son to his brothers, Sirius, Stannis, and Renly. Of his three brothers, he was closest to Sirius. They were more alike in personality and character, though Sirius took being a lord more seriously than Robert did. That was the reason Robert made Sirius Lord of Storm's End, and gave Sirius a place on his small council, making him Master of Law. He thought of giving it to Renly, but Renly was always in High Garden with the Tyrells.

Robert summoned his brothers to the Throne room, where Cersei was sitting in a cushioned throne next to Robert holding her son. The three brothers entered and bowed to their king. Robert motioned for them to rise, “I would like to present to you and all of the court the Crowned Prince Orys Baratheon Second of his Name.”

Robert and Cersei stood up, and she handed her son to the King. He smiled at her and stroked her cheek, causing Jaime to grip the hilt of his sword a little tighter. Robert walked down the steps and presented his son to his brother Sirius. Sirius smiled and took the baby from his brother, “He has the look of pure Baratheon, Brother.”

“Aye, he does at that,” Robert said.

Orys opened his eyes and stared at the man that was holding him, suddenly his eyes widened. Orys' magic recognized the person that was holding him. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this man who was supposed to be his uncle was Sirius Black.

Sirius smirked down at the baby when he realized that the baby had figured out who he was, “Hello, Pup,” Sirius said quietly.

Orys smiled and let out a shriek and began laughing. Robert looked at his son, stunned, “That's the first time he's laughed.” Then let out a bark of a laugh.

“Of course, he would laugh for you, Sirius.”

“Only because I have a funny face, Your Majesty,” Sirius said.

This caused Robert to roar with laughter and startle his son, who began to cry. Sirius started rocking the baby until he calmed down. He passed Orys to Stannis, who stiffly took his nephew and took a quick look at him then gave him to Renly. Renly smiled at his nephew.

“He looks just like you, Robert,” Renly said, as he passed Orys back to his father.

Robert's chest puffed up with pride when he took the baby back. After that, Robert handed the baby back to Cersei, and the Court was dismissed. For the rest of the day, Robert spent it with his wife and son.

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