Chapter 11

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“It’s good to meet you, sir. But surely, you have lost your way. You must not have stepped out for a walk at this time of the night and in this weather.” Zack had to shout to be heard over the raging winds.

“You didn’t tell me your name.”

“My name is Zack, sir. I work, and also live here.”

“As a matter of fact, Zack, I have stepped out for a walk. Care to walk with me?”

“Surely you are joking sir. This kind of weather is not fit for leisurely walking. I suggest you return home, or wherever you’ve come from. I suspect the weather might just get worse.”

“Well that depends, Zack.” The man smiled.

“I don’t understand.”

“You will. Soon enough, you will. I want you to come with me Zack. Some people are very anxious to meet you.”

“I still don’t understand sir. Who are these people you are talking about? And who are you?”

“I told you, I am Zarvin.”


“Zack!” Zack was so confused about the man and the things he was saying, that he failed to notice when Mr. Sanders stepped out his house and came near the two of them.

“What are you doing here, wasting time when you should be working hard to save my farm. And who is this man?”

Without turning around, the man who called himself Zarvin raised his hand like a schoolchild would raise when he wants to ask a question.

There were several large water tanks in Mr. Sanders’ farm which were used to store water for the animals. One of them was positioned very near to where the trio was now standing.

When Mr. Sanders flew backwards and his head banged against the outer body of the tank, the sound that came out of it made one thing certain to Zack. Either the tank’s body or Mr. Sanders’ skull had cracked. However, the blood that soon started dripping down from the body of the tank made the choice pretty simple.

Zack, stunned for a moment, now started screaming. He started backing off. Zarvin, whose smile was now broader than ever, advanced with the agility of the wind and grabbed Zack’s wrist.

As soon as he did that, Zack felt searing heat all through his body. He was now certain that Zarvin was here to kill him.

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