Chapter 13

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Zack saw all of this. He saw it like he had ever seen anything else in his life. The one thing that he was having trouble doing was to believe. Right in front of him, Zack was watching two people, two people who were complete strangers to him, fight. And apparently, one of them could conjure fire from his hands, while the other could manipulate the winds.

After a few seconds, Zack completely gave up trying to make sense of the situation. What he did though, was hope. Zack knew that whoever these two men were, they were on opposite sides. And since he had talked to the man he saw first, he knew he was not someone he would like to be left alone with again. And if he was the bad one, it was reasonable to believe that the other one might be a better man.

This supposed better man, who had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, was a tall man with shoulder length blonde hair which was currently tied in a neat ponytail. While Zack was secretly rooting for him, he was also gradually losing hope as Zarvin’s tornado had now almost reached the other man and might lift him off the ground any moment now.

Then, as if all of this wasn’t enough, the ground started trembling. Soon enough, it felt like it might be a devastating earthquake centered exactly where they were standing. Zack looked at both the men’s faces to get an idea of who might be responsible for this. On the blonde’s face, he saw satisfaction, while on Zarvin’s face, he saw utter shock. And as if to confirm what doubts Zack had, the ground around Zarvin started shaking terribly and with a sound that might’ve easily been the world breaking into pieces, Zarvin descended into a gigantic crater that had just magically appeared exactly at the spot where he was standing.

The other man took advantage of this situation and threw a huge ball of fire inside the crater after Zarvin. The ground further crumbled from the walls of the crater and within a few seconds, the hole was again filled with mud, stones and debris.

As the dust cleared, Zack saw the man, now partially relaxed, and standing a few feet near him, he saw a woman. The woman was shorter than Zack, had dark skin, and deep blue eyes. Her hair, shoulder length and black, was let loose. But Zack didn’t have much time to observe all this as soon enough, the man came running to him, and spoke.

“Come on. We need to go. Right now!” 

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