Isis is a 15 yr old girl with a mom who is abusive and her stepdad makes their life a living hell. When Renzo almost raped Isis her mom knew she had to get her away from him as far as possible. Isis mom decides to send Isis to LA to go stay with her...
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"So you think you have a clue on where he might be?" I said "No, he's dead. BUT it's this guy who had the flower at his grave. I think maybe he'll know something about roller world." Jamal said "Alright I'm all for this, wut do I need?, gloves?,a bag?,note pad-" "Hush girl, I'm the leader so all you need is me and whatever I tell you."
"Jamal the leader of wut?" I said "Of...of finding the roller world money." "Mm, yeah okay" "Come on let's go"
I got up, me and Jamal took the BUS to the guys work place. "You sure this is the place?" I said, I was getting creeped out by how silent it was there. Jamal was looking around the place, I turned around and I jumped.
"Jamal!" I tapped him, he turned around and jumped too. He just stared at us and my heart was beating so fast. "Uh...I saw the flowers you did at the cemetery, can't remember the name of the dead guy someone name Nicky, dicky—"
"Ricky" he started to get closer to us, I'm pretty sure I was hurting Jamal from how hard I was holding onto him. "Right..Ricky, love the plot man." We start backing up because he was getting way to close.
"Okay so uh, I need some flowers for a Quinceañera. I was thinking something in a vein of Ricky's grave but for a party, how much did those clients pay?"
He didn't say anything expect look at Jamal all creepy.
"You probably don't remember, no biggie, can you just pass along their info and I'll ask them." He stood there still silent for a little bit, he looked at me. "Is it your Quince?" "Uh..No"
"No" he said "No?" Jamal repeated it "Ricky was my cousin, what do you have?" "Nothing" we both said "it's just a flashlight pen take it is yours" Jamal said He still didn't say anything. "Oh, for the flowers." I took a deep breath.
"$50?" Jamal said , he looked at him crazy "How about $60?, I have $10." "Sound like three bins of baby breath." "This is for a Quinceañera not a rustic hipster wedding."
He started laughing creepily and it made me want to throw up. He went from laughing to a serious face. "Screw hipsters, all the ever buy is succulents. $60 dollars don't look good homie." "I know, I'm sorry" "Wasn't talking to you."
He looked down past Jamal and we looked at what he was looking at. It was a gnome that looks like a santo. "You crochet?" He looked at Jamal and he shook his head no then he looked at me. "Bake?" I shook my head no, "Tickle?"
Tickle?, what the fuck does he mean.
Me and Jamal looked at each other and started shaking our heads no. He looked back down at the gnome. "Julio thinks we can trade with sweat, y'all lift for me I'll arrange for y'all." "Lift what?" "Everything." "Me and Julio got into it,his old lady Juanita left him. Blamed it on me thought we had a little thing going on, but we didn't. She wasn't a ride or die. Right?, homie."