Chapter 8

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"I'm hungry," Gluttony said.

"I know. You already said that five hundred times before. It's still not going to convince me to feed you anything," Kinsey said. She was sitting at the dining table in the kitchen along with the other Bodes.

Anger was tied to his chair with a rope. He struggled furiously to get out. "Get me out of here! You can't do this! Get me out or I'll scream!"

"You're already screaming," Kinsey said. "That's not going to help. Now, if you calm down, then maybe I'll think about it."

"I'm so bored. When is Tyler getting back?" Rudeness said.

"Don't know. However long it takes for him to find Curiosity's ghost," Kinsey said.

"I bet you Tyler will never come back," Sadness cried. "He probably lost Curiosity's ghost forever, and the wind will shut the Ghost Door, and he'll be stuck as a ghost forever. There goes another family member. Two down, only two more to go."

"If that happens, we can just open the Ghost Door again, idiot. Duh!" Rudeness said.

"I'm sure it won't be too much longer before Tyler gets here," Kinsey said.

"Let's play a game while we wait for him!" Glee said. "That'll make things more fun! How about I Spy? Or Would You Rather? No, wait! Serious Question! Let's play Serious Question!"

Sadness went first, "Okay, Serious Question: How miserable were you when you first found out Dad died?"

"I don't think that's a very appropriate question, Sadness," Kinsey said.

"Well, isn't the name of the game 'Serious Question?'" Sadness asked. "How much more serious of a question can you get?"

"That's not really the point of the game," Glee said. "We're supposed to ask fun questions, and then answer them seriously."

"Then really the game should be called 'Serious Answer,' not 'Serious Question,'" Sadness said.

Gluttony went next, "Serious Question: If you had to eat five hundred pounds of only one food, what would it be?"

"I don't feel like eating anything," Sadness said.

"Easy! Pop-Tarts!" Glee exclaimed.

"What kind?" Gluttony asked.

"S'mores! Without a doubt!"

"Yeah!" Gluttony and Glee high-fived each other. "Kinsey?" Gluttony asked. "What about you?"

"I wouldn't want to eat five hundred pounds of any food."

"But if you had to, what would you pick?"

"I don't know... pasta? What would you eat?" Kinsey asked Gluttony.

"Big, fat, juicy burgers! Mmm!"

"Count me out," Kinsey said.

Tyler walked into the kitchen with Curiosity. "Look who I finally found," Tyler said.

"Yeah, finally is right!" Rudeness said. "I've been waiting here forever with these boring dorks."

"Great! Thanks for getting him back, Ty," Kinsey said. "Now we just need to find Mischief."

They heard the front door open. "Hey, guys. I'm home," they heard Duncan say.

"Shit. I completely forgot. Duncan was supposed to come over for dinner tonight," Tyler said.

Duncan entered the kitchen. "Hey, guys, what's going o—" He saw the six Bodes sitting around the table. "Wh-wh-what is this? What is happening? Am I hallucinating? This can't be right."

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