Chapter 22

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May had rushed out of the mall, with Thara by her side. Thara didn't like it one bit, but had no choice. Aim was already outside, waiting for them. He waved at them, and quickly noticed May's worried expression. Thara had a scowl on her face. He couldn't interpet the situation.

"You're back early. Did you get your toys, Thara?" He asked. She didn't respond, and just turned her face with a 'hmph'.

"Darling, why don't you sit in the car? We will be there in just a minute." May asked Thara, while gesturing for Aim to follow him to the other side of the car.

"I have to tell you something, real quick." May started.

"Wait. I have to tell something too. I don't know if I saw correctly, but I think I saw someone who looked like that bastard Arthit." Aim said breathlessly. May's eyes widened. "I'm not sure though."

"But I am. Saw him in the toy store. Guess he has kids already." May said with gritted teeth.

"You too? Now I'm sure we're connected." Aim winked at May. "Especially after last night..." He was stopped by May's hand on his mouth. Her face reddened.

But they didn't realise, a pair of eyes watching this exchange. She let out a very fake cough, to make her presence known. Aim and May immediately put some distance between them, and sat in the car. Thara sat down behind them, tapping her shoes on the seat.

She had heard them. She heard them say, Arthit was here. And if she was right, Arthit was her dad, the person who hurt her mommy. Her lips thinned, and cheeks puffed up. But her mommy had loved him once. She couldn't have that. Mommy can only love me, no one else.


It was a holiday for Thara, and she wasn't ready to sit at home. She was making a fuss, so Kong had to bring her to the hospital with him. For the first few hours, she was busy watching some cartoons, on Kong's tablet. But she got bored, and walked to where Kong was working.

She saw how her Mommy smiled while talking to a little girl, about the same age as her. Kong ruffled the girl's hair, and gently kissed her on the cheek. The girl was giggling throughout. She further reached out to hug Kong. This made Thara's blood boil. Stay away from my mommy.

She however couldn't go inside, as Kong had strictly asked her to stay in the other room. She was angry. She wanted her mommy to only love her. She sat down on a seat in front of the room. She sat with hands folded across her tiny stomach, cheeks puffed and face red with anger.

"Yes, I'm here at the hospital. I've talked to the head, I'll be working here for some time. Yes, I'll keep a close check on the doctors." Arthit spoke into the phone, walking through the corridors of the hospital.

His eyes landed on a very familiar tiny figure sitting in the waiting area in front of him. She looked so adorable, with those puffed cheeks. He couldn't help but be drawn to her again. He sat down beside her, causing her to look up at him, with her big chestnut eyes.

"We meet yet again! They say three times, and it's not a coincidence." Arthit chuckled.

"Mr. Sun. It's you again." She said, her eyes narrowing. After sometime she spoke again, "What is a condomence?" She asked, unable to grasp the word. Arthit laughed, hearing the mispronunciation.

"Sunshine, that's not the word." He said still laughing.

"Whatever." She spoke, before dramatically turning her head to the other side, and pouting, making Arthit want to pinch her rosy cheeks. How could this girl be so adorable? She was certainly doing something to him.

"You look angry." Arthit pointed out.

"Yes I am. Now, go away Mr. Sun. I will not talk to you." She said in a formal voice.

"Ow, that hurt, sunshine." He said, putting a hand on his chest, pretending to be in pain. The younger immediately turned her head, eyes wide.

"It hurts? Where?" She asked, slightly scared. "My daddy is a doctor, he will fix you." She said confidently.

"And where is your daddy?" Arthit raised an eyebrow. The girl pointed to the door of her mommy's office. But to Arthit's disappointment, a curtain was drawn across the office, hiding the inside from view.

"He's inside?" Arthit asked. He was wondering if he could meet the girl's father. And maybe, in the tiniest corner of his mind, thought it might be Kongpob.

Arthit's phone rang, diverting his attention. He didn't want to attend this call so he declined it and placed it on the seat.

"How about we meet your daddy?" Arthit suggested. Thara shook her head.

"Why?" Arthit's phone began ringing again. Thara got annoyed and did the unimaginable. She took the phone and threw it across the waiting area. The phone was broken to pieces with a loud crash. Arthit's mouth hung open. His latest phone, that cost him thousands of dollars was on the floor, in pieces. He let out a frustrated groan, running a hand through his hair. A hospital worker came just in time.

"Clear this." He instructed. The worker nodded and swiftly started cleaning up the mess.

"I have to go, sunshine. I'll see you later." He said hurriedly, before leaving.

When Kong got free from his little patients, he discovered thag Thara was angry with him. She went on and on about how Kong had been so good with the other kids, and loved then more. In order to stop the ranting kid, Kong had suggested to go out for din er, to make up for his mistake.

Three hours later, they sat in a 4 star restaurant, eating dinner. Thara was very happy, as she took a few bites of her spicy noodles with meat balls.

"This is so tasty! I love it so much. Yum." She said closing her eyes, in bliss. Kong smiled as he recollected someone else who loved this dish just as much. Thara continued to speak, talking about school, then stories, then her own ideas. Kong couldn't help but see the resemblance. She looked so much like him. The way she talked, her cute little nose, her pale milky skin, everything.

"Mommy you're not listening." She pouted.

"Sorry, I just-" Kong scratched his neck. "You look so much like your dad." He mumbled.

"Mommy I asked you not to tell me that! I don't like him." She said, raising her tiny fists.

In the blink of a second, Thara's dish was on the floor, making a mess everywhere. All the eyes now looked at the cause of the commotion. Thara stood there, with her hands on her hips, a content smile on her face.


AN: The adorable girl, is also a naughty little devil. I felt so satisfied, when she broke Arthit's phone. He deserved it.

Also, if any of you got notifications about this update earlier, it was an accident. Please forgive me? *Thara's puppy eyes*

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