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As soon as Chaeyeon steps through the door she spots her brother and immediately rushes over to hug him. "I've missed you" she tells him, her words sounding a little weird due to her cheek being pressed against his chest. "I've missed you too Boo" Johnny responds cheerfully, he gives Chaeyeon one more squeeze before stepping back from their hug. Johnny is swept aside, into a conversation with Jungwoo and Taeil.

Chaeyeon faces the room, she gives a small wave to all the other members in the room. The group consisted of all of 127, some of Dream and a few WayV members but judging by how much empty room there is Chaeyeon decided it was pretty safe to assume that not all 23 members were present.

Chaeyeon spots an open seat on the couch and hurries over to claim it. It's rare that the corner seat of the L couch is left unoccupied. She then turns to the man on her right, very excited to see her brother's soulmate, Ten. "Hi," she says enthusiastically to get his attention. "Hey Chae, how's the trainee life treating you?" He questions with concern on his face, knowing how tough it can get himself. "It's good," she tells him with a grin before leaning closer to tell him a secret. He notices and leans closer too. "Manager-nim says we might be getting our debut song soon," Ten gasps quietly and puts his hands over his mouth, excitement shining in his eyes, "but don't tell Johnny. I don't want to get him all excited until I know for sure." Ten nods at her statement like its obvious and then reaches over to squeeze her in a hug. "I'm so proud of you" he whispers into their hug.

"Do you like all of your members?" He asks as while shifting to sit back in his seat again. Chaeyeon nods her head with a smile, "yeah, th-" Chaeyeon starts to respond but her phone buzzes from it's spot in her lap. The message that flashes across her lockscreen steals all of her attention.

Unknown Number

Enjoy dinner with your brother -soulmate

A blush invades Chaeyeon's entire face as she reaches to pick up her phone. Ten watches quietly, curious to know what has stolen all of her attention and made her blush so much. 


I will...

How'd you get my number?

I have my ways...

I'll see you tomorrow

Can't wait 

Chaeyeon zones out for a couple seconds after their short conversation, trying to figure out who Namjoon could have gotten her number from but Ten rouses her from her trance when he leans in for an interrogation. "Who were you texting?" He whispers quietly, trying not to get anyone's attention because he knows Chaeyeon would be mortified. "No one" she says quickly, too quickly. Ten only raises an eyebrow at her, they both know what it means. Chaeyeon is about to make up a lie when Jaemin sits down on her left and glances at her phone that she forgot to lock.

"Who are you sending all those hearts to?" He asks, innocently,  without even trying to lower his voice. Chaeyeon winces as pretty much every member present hears Jaemin and turns to look at them. Her blush, doubles, triples, she can't even keep up at this point. She sinks back into the couch so she is partially hidden behind Ten. More importantly, Ten is now between her and Johnny, surely Johnny would get too distracted by his soulmate to question her. Right? Wrong.

"Hearts? Who could you possibly be sending hearts to Chae?" Johnny says in a dark voice that makes Chaeyeon panic even more. He's always been super protective of his little sister. He may start out all scary big bad brother but he's always generally supportive in the end.

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