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I'm layed across Namjoon's lap reading Harry Potter in their living room while Namjoon plays with my hair.

"Hey, you guys have a week off right?" Namjoon asks me, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah why?"

Namjoon doesn't respond so I bookmark my page and sit up to straddle his lap.

"What's up?" I ask as I lock our fingers together.

"Do you wanna meet my parents?" He asks nervously.

"Really?" I smile, my smile turns in a grin when he nods his head.

"I'd love to" I say and he matches my grin. "What does that have to do with my week off?"

"I'm going home to Ilsan for 3 days and I want to take you with me to meet my parents" he explains.

He leans forward and locks our lips together. As he smiles into the kiss I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

His arms wrap around my waist as he begins to kiss me a little rougher causing me to let out a squeak.

Namjoon takes this opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth and initiate a battle for dominance, which he obviously wins.

"Can we not fuck in the living room?" Hobi asks from the doorway.

"Oh my god" I choke out as I hide my head in Namjoon's neck to escape my embarrassment.

"Pay backs a bitch" I hear Sav say.

"At least I dont have a blue forehead!" I retort as I sit up.

"That's the best you could do?" Jungkook asks as he appears in the doorway, "I was Team Cara until that lame comeback" he sighs disappointedly.

"You're supposed to be my best friend Jungkook!" I exclaim in offense but he just shrugs with a smirk and walks out.

"You're cute when you're embarrassed" Namjoon whispers in my ear.

"Shut it, this is your fault" I exclaim as I try to stand up.

"Nah uh" he shakes his head and locks me in his arms.

"Let's just go" Sav rolls her eyes at us.

"Fine" I grumble and Namjoon lets me stand up.

"Where are we going?" I ask Sav as I link arms with her.

"Amusement Park, it's only supposed to open tomorrow but you know, they're BTS so they're letting us in today" she shrugs.

"I feel like royalty" I snort.

"Thats because you're my princess" Namjoon smirks and kisses my cheek.

"Ew" I roll my eyes but my face heats up in a dark red blush.

"Your cheeks say otherwise Babygirl" he teases me so I pout and glare at him.

The Amusement Park is an hour away so I fall asleep on Sav's shoulder on the way there.

"Cara, we're here" Sav shakes me awake and I sit up to look out of the window in excitement.

"C'mon" Namjoon says and holds his hand out to help me out of the car.

We walk into the pretty much desterted Park and I look around to see what we can do.

"Should we play games first?" Hobi suggests but he doesnt wait for a response, he just pulls Sav towards a shooting game.

"You want the Seahorse?" He asks Sav with a mischievous grin. She nods and he turns around picking up the toy gun.

In three shots he shoots down all the main targets leaving us shocked. He smugly points to the giant seahorse plush and turns around.
He winks before dramatically getting on one knee to hand the seahorse plush to Sav.

Namjoon steps forward and grabs the gun. He tries to twice to win something but comepletely fails. Sav looks at me with an awkward cringe on her face.

I grin and pick up the gun. I shot down two of the main targets and a few smaller ones.

I pick the medium sized Crab plush and I hand it to Namjoon who grins. Hobi holds out his hand for a high-five while smirking proudly.

"Its okay Joonie, you probably broke the gun with your destruction powers" I grin and I hear Hobi snort.

"Hey! You're suppsoed to be on my side!" He exclaims with an adorable pout.

"I'm always gonna be on your side Joon" I smile at him amd pull his wrist down so I can reach his cheeks. I give each cheek a kiss before pecking his lips.

"Let's go on the rollercoaster!" Sav yells excitedly when we round the corner and it appears in out view.

"Yep...no" Hobi says and does a full 360. "You guys go, I'll find us food" he suggests.

"You sure?" I ask and he nods assuredly.

"Let's go!" Sav cheers.

"Could we maybe start with the smaller one?" I mumble as my grip on Namjoon's hand tightens.

"You'll be fine Babygirl, I've got you" Namjoon assures me.

After the rollercoaster I find that I actually love them and we go on two more before finding Hobi.

"We'll get the food" Namjoon says as he and Hobi disappear, leaving Sav and I sitting across from eachother at a picnic table.

"Can I see your seahorse?" I ask and hold my hand out.

"Ye- when did you get a new ring?" She says, squinting at my hand. My face is immediately coated in a blush.

"Oh uhm, Namjoon got a us matching rings when he officially asked me out" I explain as I take it off to show her whats written along the inside.

"It has his name!" She gasps.

"And his ring has my name" I tell her and her eyes light up.

"That's so fuckin' cute!"

"How did Hobi ask you out?" I ask her.

"He wrote me a rap and got me this nose ring" she says as she points to her new nose ring that I had meant to ask about.

"Whats the tiny little charm of?"

"He had a butterfly identical to our tattoos made for me" she says as a blush covers her cheeks.

"Talking about us?" Hobi grins as they approach with our food.

"What do you think?" I grin.

"We'll Sav is blushing really hard so I'm gonna say yes" Namjoon points out making her blush worse.

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