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"Where have you been?" Johnny asks as soon as we get back to their dorm.

"Ummm" Jaehyun fails to function making me roll my eyes slightly.

"BigHit" I say and Jaehyun looks at me with wide eyes that confuses me until I hear Johnny slam his hand on the table.

"Why the fuck would you go back there!?" He yells, switching to English.

"I-" I try to respond.

"They're the ones who hurt you Cara!" He stands up angrily and even Ten's eyes widen. A few heads pop out if the bedrooms because if the yelling.

"My friends figured out that it wasnt my fault and wanted me there when they pitch it to PDnim" I explain and Johnny scoffs.

"Next time anyone who works for that company so much as messages you, you tell me" he tells me sternly.

"Why are you being such a dick about this!?" I yell back.

"I'm not being a dick! I'm being protective!" He yells back.

"Guys stop yelling at eachother" Jaehyun says and steps forward.

I ignore him and yell, "Why are you being so protective then!?"

Johnny sighs, pauses and then his angry posture deflates. He steps forward and pulls me into a hug.

"I never, ever want to see you so sad that you can barely stand again" he says quietly and hugs me tighter. I sigh too and hug him back.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you" he whispers.

"Im sorry too"

"How are we supposed to know whats happening when they're speaking English!" Jungwoo yells jokingly.

"They're fine now" Jaehyun tells the rest of the group and laughs when everyone cheers.

I pull away with a genuine smile and look over at the group of boys.

"I think I can over come anything with my my 7 little brothers and my 14 big brothers" I joke as I wrap my spare arm around Jaehyun.

"AWWW NOONAAA!" Chenle screams as he tackles me into the wall with a hug.

"Love you LeLe" I laugh.

"And me!?" Jisung pouts.

"I love alllll of you" I grin as I scan the room.

I walk over to the table and turn my phone on before sliding it into my pocket. I take two steps when it starts ringing.

"Seriously? Already?"

I look at the caller ID to see thay its an unknown number but I answer anyway.



"It's Bang Shiyuk"

"Oh, PDnim!"

"Can you come see me? Same room as before" he asks warily.

"uh, okay, I'll head over" I mumble and look up at Johnny.

He sighs and grabs his car keys before leading me out of the dorm.

"This has been such an exhausting day" I sigh and look over to Johnny as he drives us to BigHit.

"At least you can look forward to the awesome sleep you're gonna have tonight" he grins over at me when we're at a stop sign.

When we reach BigHit Johnny walks behind me like a body guard. We walk into the conference room to find that only PDnim is there.

"Johnny Seo?" He questions as we walk in.

"You know me?" Johnny mumbles.

"Of course, I have to know all possible competition"

"He's my brother" I explain and PDnim nods in understanding.

"Why is he here?"

"He's-" I sigh, "protective" Johnny finishes for me.

"Alright, please sit" PDnim smiles.

"So, I've looked into it. One of the video editors did use the wrong footage and didn't want to get fired so he tried to make it seem like you were at fault" he explains and I notice how Johnny clenches his fists.

"I'm very sorry" PDnim sighs.

"Its okay, not your fault"

"Well he has been fired" he tells us before looking up with a grin, "so, the fans ship you with Namjoon" he tells me. My eyebrows furrow at how weird it is to hear him use words like 'ship'.

"I apologise for the pain I've put you through...you can get back together. I havent told Namjoon, I figured you could tell him yourself" he grins at me and I feel the urge to bolt to the elevator straight away. He notices and nods encouragingly.

"Bye!" I hug Johnny quickly before bolting to the elevator.

After exiting the elevator on the correct floor, I bolt down the corridor so quickly I trip at one point but, I manage to catch myself on a wall and then keep running.

I knock on the BTS dorm door frantically and when Hobi opens the door I bolt under his arm towards Namjoon's room.

I throw the door open and his head snaps up from where he's sitting at the foot of his bed. Time slows for a second as we make eye contact before my heart jumps into my throat and I dive onto him to hug him. He falls back with me on his chest hugging his waist.

"Cara?" He asks as he pushes me back to check if I'm okay.

"I love you. I love you. I love you" I say quickly before burying my head in his neck and hugging him tighter. Tears fall from my already red, sore eyes but this time, they're happy tears.

"But-" he begins to speak but I shake my head frantically.

"Not my fault, PDnim says we can he together again" I grin and Namjoon grins back at me before hugging me tightly.

"Do you think Cara murdered him?" I hear Tae whisper right outside the door so I get up and put on my best 'murderer face' before opening the door.

"What if I did?" I grin sadistically at him and he shivers as he steps back into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook wraps a protective arm around Tae's waist making me squeal internally because they are so cute.

They relax when Namjoon appears behind me and wraps his arms around my waist while resting his chin on my shoulder.

"You guys good now?" Jungkook asks with a smile.

"Yupp, thanks for all your help guys" I grin at them and they pull me into a group hug.

"You're family now" Jimin smiles at me.

"Okay thanks guys!" Namjoon says as he pulls me by the waist back into his room and slams the door.

He flips me around and slams me into the door making me look up with wide eyes.

He leans closer to me while staring into my eyes until he leans down and kisses my neck making me gasp.

"Joon?" I gasp and grab onto his shoulders.

He kisses his way up my neck and nibbles on my earlobe.

"I love you" he whispers agaisnt my ear making me smile.

"I love you too" I say with a grin.

He smiles and kisses me roughly as his hands grip my hips and pull me closer to his warm body. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull myself up to his height.

Namjoon grabs my waist and lifts me against the wall. He kisses me roughly and licks my lower lip for permission so I part my lips as his tongue slips into my mouth to fight against mine.

Eventually, he pulls away with a smile and buries his head in my neck.

Soulmates [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now