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"C'mon Babygirl, lets go see what the guys are up to" Namjoon stands up and pulls on a hoodie. He turns to see me still lying on the bed. "Get up" he laughs at me.

"Noooo" I whine and snuggle deeper into his bed.

"Why not?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Your blanket is soft...and it smells like you" I mumble and lift my head to pout at him.

He grins and picks me up over his shoulder. I'm about to argue when I see that he grabbed the blanket too so I get comfortable as I feel him walking out of the room.

"What are we watching?" Namjoon asks and there's a silent pause before someone excitedly says 'Iron Man!'

"Oohhh really!?" I exclaim and try to see but then I let out a yelp as the floor comes closer to me.

Before I can even blink Namjoon is sitting on the couch and I'm placed on his lap.

"Comfy?" Namjoon whispers into my ear as he tucks the blanket in around us. I nod happily and snuggle into him.

As we're watching the movie I get a text from an unknow number.


Are you still willing to listen to me rant?

Who is this?


I glance around thier dorm in confusion but don't see him so I shrug and look back to my phone.

Ohh, yeah I am willing.

Could you come to practice room 4?

On my way

"I have to go" I mumble as I get up.

"What?" Namjoon, who was about to fall asleep, grumbles.

"I'll come back and tell you later. Promise." I kiss him quickly before letting myself out and rushing to the elevator.

When I got to the second floor I rushed towards the right practice room and let myself in.

"Hey Hosoek oppa" I mumble as I sit down next to him.

He instantly leans on my shoulder and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

I wrap my arm around him tightly and ask him what is wrong.

"I'm the only one without a soulmate," he mumbles and then gets louder since this situation clearly makes him mad "now all the members have soulmates...even the maknaes are soulmates, I'm the only one with no one. You're supposed to find them by the time you're 23, I'm turning 26 this year Cara!" he says angrily while still crying.

I wipe away his tears and try not to cry myself. He lifts his knees to his chest and rest his arms on them causing his vest to slip down and show his ribs. I gasp when I see the twin purple butterflies on his ribs through the mirror across the room.

"Hey Hobi" I mumble quietly and he hums in response as I rub his back.

"How badly do you wanna meet your soulmate?" I ask.

"I was gonna pay those people who find them for you before I got scolded by Jin hyung for 'not trusting fate'" he tells me.

"Can I see your tattoo?" I mumble.

He nods and turns to face me as he lifts the left side if his shirt to show his ribs.

No way. It's exactly the same as Sav's.

"Uhm, Hobi? If I know who your soulmate is-" I begin to ask but he cuts me off. "Tell me! Please just tell me!" He exclaims as he grabs my shoulders.

"My best friend, Savhana, is your soulmate" I give him a small smile.

"Can I see her?" He asks excitedly causing me to frown.

"She lives in Chicago but she's coming to visit soon" I mumble with a sympathetic tone and my heart breaks when I see his face drop.

"Ask her to come sooner!"

"She hasnt finished saving up for her tickets yet Hobi" I frown.

"I'll pay! I'll buy the tickets! And you can say they're from you to get her here" he suggests.

"I'll try, yeah?" He nods his head and I stand up and ruffle his hair before heading towards the door.

I smile when I see that he finally has a small smile on his face.

I walk back to the BTS dorm and Jungkook tells me Namjoon is in his room so I go straight there.

"Hey" I smile and notice that Namjoon looks pissed, "uh, I just went to the practice room to comfort Hobi...he's going through a lot right now" I mumble as I sit down next to Namjoon and reach for his hand.

"Did comforting him require him to take his shirt off?" He grumbles and his grip on my hand tightens.

"Kinda, I needed to see his soulmate tattoo because it looked similar to Sav's and I wanted to make sure before I got his hopes up" I explain.

"Oh," he pouts and my heart thumps at how cute his pout is "I'm sorry, I saw you guys hugging and him shirtless and I guess I got possessive" he mumbles apologetically and pulls me into his lap so he can bury is face in my neck.

"Its okay, at least you acknowledged that you were being an ass before it got out if hand" I smirk at him.

"Are you sassing me Babygirl?" He mumbles as his arms tighten around me.

"And if I am?" I ask as I turn around in his lap.

"Then I'll have to kiss you" he smirks.

"You say that like its a punishment" I counter.

"Well you treated it like one when I kissed you earlier" he raises and eyebrow and smirks in victory when I dont respond for a moment.

"I'm just nervous" I pout and give him puppy dog eyes like I'm going to cry causing his eyes to widen.

He pulls my head into his neck and hugs me as he says "Baby I'm sorry, I was just playing around, I didnt mean to make you cry!" I start to laugh into his neck making him push me back in shock.

"What the hell?" He says with wide eyes.

"That's what you get for being a possessive ass and not trusting me...or Hobi!" I say.

"What happened to my shy Babygirl?" He whispers in shock.

"It takes me a little while to get comfortable enough around new people to be myself...plus you made me mad!" I explain with a 'humph' as I playfully cross my arms.

"I'm sorry Baby" he whispers and presses our lips together.

Soulmates [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now