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As we step through the door an annoyed sigh leaves my lips. Standing infront of us is Johnny with the remaining 18 members, as Jisung and Chenle are behind us, flanking his sides trying to act scary.

It obviously works as Namjoon visibly gulps making me roll my eyes.

"Okay, drop the act, only like 3 of you actually scare me" I yell and I stomp my foot slightly.

Some of the guys deflate their scary poses while some smile. Johnny holds up his act with Jeno and Jaehyun on his sides also not budging. He probably paid them because they look strong.

"Yah!" I yell as I jump on Johnny and start hitting his head.

"Okay! Okay! Get off of me you animal!" He yells and pretends to drop me.

"JOHNNY I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DROP ME" I scream and koala myself around him. He laughs and lets me down gently.

"Okayyy" I drag out awkwardly as I gesture for Namjoon to come closer and hold my hand, once he does I speak up again "this is my soulmate, Namjoon...Joon, this is my brother Johnny" I introduce them.

"It's nice to meet you" Namjoon smiles, showing his cute lil dimples.

"Sup" Johnny says with a threatening glare.

"Ohmygod Johnny, stop. You're not scary" I roll my eyes.

"He's a little scary...but that's probably just because I'm dating his little sister" Namjoon mumbles.

"Did you say his name is Namjoon!?" A voice yells from the corner. I look over at Haechan who's cuddling with Mark in a bean bag and nod.

"Like RM?" Another voice asks, I turn my head in Lucas' direction and again, I nod my head.

"Woah really!?" Chenle yells.

"I thought I was imagining it" YangYang mumbles in shock after Namjoon pulls his face mask off.

"What King did you save in your past life to be rewarded like this?" Mark snickers as I pull myself and Namjoon down on the couch right next to his and Haechan's beanbag.

"I ask myself the same question" I retort.

"That was...something" Namjoon whispers.

"I'm sorry my family is so chaotic" I laugh as I look over at him and kiss his cheek.

"Cara, Namjoon...come get dinner" Doyoung calls from the kitchen making all the boys let out annoyed sighs or groans

"They're our guests" Kun glares around the room as he pops his head out of the kitchen.

After dinner, I'm sitting on the kitchen counter talking to Jaemin and Renjun while Namjoon is socializing in the sitting room.

"When's your next comeback?" I ask as I lick my ice cream.

"Uhh...April?" Renjun says and looks to Jaemin for confirmation. As he nods his head my ringtone starts blaring through the kitchen, giving me a fright.

"Sav, whats up?"

"They're introducing me on vlive...TONIGHT!" I hear the panic in her voice. "I need you here, please" she mumbles and I hear commotion in the background.

"Yeah. Im on my way" I say. I call Namjoon over and explain everything to him briefly. Namjoon calls the driver to come and pick us up.

"What the fuck do I wear? I don't wanna look like a slob but like, I dont wanna look like I'm trying too hard" she rambles over the phone. Namjoon and I put on face masks and rush outside to the awaiting car.

"Ask Jiwon, she's great at this stuff" I suggest and I laugh when I hear her scream Jiwon's name. "I'm gonna hang up now that you're in good hands...see you in 10 minutes" I say and hang up before she can argue but I doubt she would've.

"Why did we have to leave in such a rush?" Namjoon asks me as he pulls me into the middle and interlinks out fingers which he wrests on my thigh.

"Hobi is introducing her to ARMY on vlive tonight" I mumble distractedly as I fiddle with one if his rings.

"Oh, no wonder she's freaking out" he sighs and slouches down in his seat so that his head rests on my shoulder.

I almost drift off to sleep when the driver tells us when have arrived. So we rush out of the car and straight into the elevator.

Once we get to the BTS dorm, I see Sav on the couch freaking out.

"Hey" I whisper as I kneel infront of her and grab her shaking hands.

"What if they hate me?" She mumbles.

"I'm gonna be honest, some of them will" I say slowly and her eyes widen, "but, the real fans will love you because Hobi loves you and that's the important thing" I tell her and she relaxes but her brows furrow.


"Because ARMY are the most supportive and protective fandom ever. If they love you, the haters and fake AMRY wont stand a chance" I grin once I see a smile work its way onto her face.

"Okay! I can got this!" Hobi yells as he runs in but I can tell he's a bit nervous too.

"I'll be right here" I tell Sav and go sit on the couch that will be behind the camera.

Hobi introduces Sav and starts reading questions and comments. When I can tell that Sav is okay I ask her if I can go with a look that she understands. She nods her head with a smile.

I run into Namjoon's room and I see him typing away in his laptop so I open his closet and grab some sweatpants and a hoodie.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he looks up. I ignore him and go put them on in his bathroom.

When I walk out he looks up and grins as he opens his arms for me. I jump onto the bed and lay inbetween his legs.

I rest my chin on his chest and look up at him with a pout.


"I never got to finish my ice cream" I mumble sadly.

"I'll get you more tomorrow" he grins and run his fingers through my hair. I bury my face in his chest and blush.

"You look so cute and tiny in my clothes" he gushes and hugs me close as I fall asleep in his arms.

Soulmates [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now