The Spread...

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It started like a termite. We didn't see the signs before the world started crumbling around us. The Corbol Virus started as a cure for death. The year 2142 started with amazing advancements in technology, an end to the Amazon Oxygen crisis of 2141 with forest reserves, the first car that ran completely on air, why not add the most amazing cure to ever show it's face to humanity? Nothing could go wrong... well... that is until it somehow broke containment before it was ready.
A test subject, SSIP0, Second Stage Infection Patient Zero, somehow the monster broke containment and escaped into the forest. The government had the bright idea of handling it secretly as they always do. But it didn't matter, as soon as they lost sight of SSIP0 into the woods, we were all done for. The Infection started as few, but became many in a matter of three days. Before the week was up, all of mid America, and some parts of Mexico and Canada, were considered taken by the Corbol Virus.
And on the seventh day, the news on it seemed to stop... Until the next day. The eighth day the TSI, or as we ended up calling them, deadies, started swarming to New York City. The virus took hold of people from just skin contact. Their skin would boil on the spot and look like they were grabbed by a hand of lava. That's the first stage.
The second was what took their brains, their memories, their personalities... they became animals. Monsters. They attacked anyone from mother's eating their own children to a man attacking a coffee shop clerk for no reason except the one thing all deadies shared, hunger. Everyone not infected was just meat to them. It didn't matter how close they were before.
Before was gone, now is today. The third stage was what made them deadies. TSI, Third Stage Infection, was when the body started to fall apart as if leprosy started to take hold. Made them lose most of their skin. It was the bodies way of saying, "This person is dead and decomposing."
In theory, FoSI would happen within a couple years. Fourth Stage Infection. Decomposition would take hold and the deadies would fall apart. The decomposing starts faster than a normal body in the ground. It's hope for survival for sure.
We just have to avoid them long enough to survive. But that's not my job. I am Michael Hamburg, United States Marine Corp three years running, and today is July 31st 2145, three year anniversary to the SSIP0 break from containment... And also my birthday.

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