New Squad

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I walked to the training grounds in silence. What just happened. Why did I do that? How could I have... I can't keep thinking about it.
I have things to do today. I met up with Sampson and three new recruits. He turned to me, wonder if he's upset about yesterday...
"Hamburg! Meet the new squad! This here is Sniper Marvin!"
The man wore a cowboy hat and dressed like he was from a time long passed. He looked to be fourty with wrinkles around eyes that for sure have looked into the eyes of the devil and a mouth smoking a cigarette that smiled back at me.
"Marvin has been in the military since before the virus and has taken on a swarm of deadies with only his rifle and a lighter!"
He flicked it open and lit it as if to show off.
"And this is Specialist Kent..."
A Mexican man with a scar on his left eye. He was holding two Deagles, both with silencers and he smiled. He said something in Spanish that I couldn't understand. Patterson shook his head,
"Kent was in Operation Casino in Vegas and Operation Hollywood in Los Angeles. He was the one to blow the H off the sign to crush a major part of a swarm following his squad on the hills! And last but not least, my favorite one..."
The soldier removed her mask to reveal a young and attractive black haired woman with blue eyes looking to be in her teens.
" daughter! Private Jules Sampson!" He smiled a proud smile. "First class! She was in Operation DC where she, and her squad, took back the capital and saved the president herself!"
Kent whispered something that sounded like "Lincoln hates her" to Marvin, who chuckled.
Sampson glared at them. "Even though the Lincoln Memorial was destroyed in the process..."
Jules rubbed her neck in embarrassment.
Sampson continued, "Nevertheless! This is our new team! The team that will make sure that Operation Yankee goes off without any problems! Is that right soldiers?!"
The three replied in unison, "YES LIEUTENANT!"
Sampson smiled and nodded. "Now go pack your gear! We have deadies waiting for us! Dismissed!"
The three left and Sampson's eyes met mine. He shook his head. "I'm sorry about yesterday Hamburg. I truly am. But with this squad, taking New York City will be easier than taking Phoenix! Trust me. Patterson... Williams... Even Jameson... Their deaths will not be in vain..."
Sampson walked away. I went to pack my gear. Hearing Lars' name still hurt. I just hope that it doesn't stay with me...

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