Chapter Two: Don't Mess With a Bitch

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Chapter Two: Don't Mess With a Bitch


Sienna was the quiet type when it came to school. Not once has she spoken out in public or in front of anyone, so of course it felt weird for her to apologise that morning.

She steered clear of anyone who came near her even if their intentions were good. She felt safer on her own, because that's how she learnt to survive.

She got into her car which was just a simple blue Suzuki. It was a 'welcome to the family' gift from Dice and Karlie that surprised her, because she had never been gifted anything before. It was...weird.

She did however enjoy the motorbike they had gotten her for Christmas. It was her cool down transportation using it only for when she goes out to get some space or to rush to an emergency.

She wasn't really noticed at school, but she wasn't really invisible either. It was always just that two faced bitch who liked to rile her up for attention far more than she would like.

After driving through town, Sienna had finally made it to her school grounds. There were students and teachers buzzing around trying to get to class rooms or to their friend groups. It was always like this in the morning.

No, this wasn't some cliche school with different types of clicks. Everyone was normal and civilized, they all mixed in. Even the two faced bitch who continuously cheats on her loyal boyfriend.

The school didn't have lockers, because no one had time for that stuff. Students had to carry their loaded bags around all day long, which Sienna didn't mind.

With her being the mysterious quiet girl, people would always spread rumours and make up fantasies about her. She was more interesting than the hot 'rebel' dude who attends the same school.

Sienna walked into her first class which was music theory, just as the rest of her class began to pile in. One of the students being the two faced bitch.

Inira Harlem.

A bitch when her boyfriend is not around and a complete innocent sweetheart when he is. Inira had jet black dyed hair and big brown eyes. She did have every girl's dream body, she just didn't know how to look like a proper lady. In other words she didn't know the meaning of self respect.

Inira has been in a relationship for two years now with a guy named Leonard Nickel Pierce, but that idiot is oblivious to her sleeping around with his 'friends'. Well except his best friend, but meh. Like mentioned countless times before, Inira is a two faced bitch.

Sienna began to pay attention to the real world just in time to see Inira walking her way. It was quite a funny sight actually. Inira wore heals that were a bit too big for her which caused her to fall right next to Siennas desk.

As much as she wanted to laugh at her failed attempt on walking, she didn't. Instead, she looked down at a red faced Inira with a raised eyebrow. She could hear the laughter of the other classmates as Inira screamed in her spot making a scene.

"You little twot!" She screamed at Sienna whilst standing up. "You just humiliated me you annoying bitch!"

'That's cute', Sienna inwardly mused at her accusation.

As Inira continued to scream curses, Sienna began to draw in her book not really finding the urge to pay attention. That was until she felt a sharp sting on her right cheek as her head whizzed to the side.

The room went quiet with no-one knowing what to do. Sienna was clenching onto her pen so hard it broke in half. She slowly got up raising her eyes to glare at Inira with all the hatred she could muster.

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