T h e m e e t i n g🥥🌴

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you were unpacking your things in your room and alejandro walked in with his bags

Alejandro:oh my bad didn't know someone already had this room

you turn around

You:It's alright

you guys give each other an akward smile

Alejandro:uhm my name is Alejandro but you can call me Ale

You:Ava just ava haha

Ale chuckles

Ale:well it was good meeting you

you:nice meeting you to Ale

Ale smiles at you then leaves

Well that was something else wasn't it

megan walks into your room with wine

Megan:Ava i saw you and ale getting it on

You:all he said was hi that's it

Megan laughs

Megan:if you say so

she sips her drink puts her glasses on and walks out the room

You:megan is something else

You walked out of your room and went downstairs to the kitchen to look for a drink

you dropped the glass


Don laugh

Don:lil girl be careful

you laugh



Don:you chill lets be friends

You:hell yah sure

you and don talk for hours then daniella joins in and you all spent all night getting drunk laughing and talking then daniella said

Daniella:You know jojo is cute

Don:but have you seen mar?

You:but have you seen mattia and ale? and vally?and sebastian and-

Daniella:damn Ava young pick one

You all laugh then you saw the boys running around downstairs throwing a foot ball


everyone laughs and they kept playing


daniella:yes please

you grab her cup and go grab a refill but once you put it in your cup mattia throw the football and it hit you

and it got all off your pj's and the glass broke


Don:girl what is up to you and glass

mattia:oh my bad

You roll your eyes then don and daniella helped you clean it up

Sebastian:look what you did

Mattia:let me help

he helped you then when picking up the last strand of glass your hands both touched

you stared at each other for a long time then mattia said

Mattia:you gonna grab the glass or admire me mia bella

You:oh shut up

you get up and leave with don and daniella

daniella:your so gonna end up doing it with him

you:says who?

don:says us

You:I am not doing anything with him

mattia:i'm not doing anything with her

Vally:for now you won't

Mattia and you to your friends:We don't even know each other

the camera goes back to anne and megan

Anne:we need to set mattia and ava up

megan:nah fool i'm rooting for ale and ava they both got A's in there name isn't that cute

Anne:are you dumb?

megan:i'm just saying mattia and ava's kids are gonna look ugly well the boy will unless he gets ava genes he will look fine

anne:gotta admit mattia is good looking


megan:but mattia and sissy were looking good i mean she said she hoped he rearanged her guts

anne:yah rearange her sticks.

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