the confession room😳👀🌴

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This chapter will just be about everyone in the confession room

Kairi:to be honest celia kinda smells bad especially her breath yuck..she's really pretty don't get me wrong but..yikes she a bit musty to

Madison:i thought me and Ale we're doing good i mean he seemed to like me but when i saw him with Ava he seemed to like her more i mean the way he looked at her 

Sebastian:to be honest everyone here is hot and all but 

sebastian bites his lips

Sebastian:but i think anne is the one won't cap

Mattia:Lauren and Sissy are all over me like i can't breath but lauren is also all over mar but damn ava young is fine

Daniella:Vally is really really cute he makes me happy and he has such a good humor and he's just so baby 

Jojo:don is my type of gal you feel me she got that sass and she's someone you can vibe with yah know

Don:jojo fine asf and he funny but he a lil stuborn but so and my so ain't no complaints 

Ale:bro..ava is just so funny and sweet shes a crackhead to but when she wants to be. something about her just makes me so happy

Celia:Kairi is so in love with me he when i asked him what i smelled like he said seaweed.thats true love 

Sissy:I like mattia alot and i wanna get to know him more.and anne needs to stop calling me fishy 

sissy smells her armpit 

Mar:Man lauren is fine as hell can't wait to hit it you feel me 

Vally:daniella is so pretty..she makes me happy and i have only known her for 3 days 

You:they have really bad wifi.oh i was supposed to say something oh okay well alejandro is really sweet but so is mattia well mattia is when he wants to be but alejandro is funny but so is mattia.damn i needa make up my mind.

Anne:looks like everyone is in love and confused b-

megan whispers in annes ear

Anne:oh..WELL LOOKS LIKE MOST of them are in love 

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