Sleeping with the devil🌊🌴

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Megan:last time we were here someone was leaving

Anne:we also played never have a ever striped downnn

Megan:so lets see who's leaving

Megan:the person that will be leaving tonight will be.....


Megan:HHAHAH i mean madison you will be sent back to where you came from you might be able to come back

Anne:but thats a 1% chance 

Megan:Any who here are your bags

she throws madisons bags at her

Anne:you may be able to say bye to everyone but hurry up the uber is almost here 

everyone hugs madison then her and ale kiss


You just rolled your eyes and turned back to sebastian

sebastian:someone is jelly 

he smiles 

You:shut up sebastian i'm not jelly madison and ale were happy with each other and-

Sebastian leans on the wall

Sebastian:and now that she is gone you have your chance

You:no thats not what i-

Sebastian:sh sh shhhh

Sebastian:we all know thats what you walk

he takes a strand of your hair and puts it behind your ear

You slap his hand away and laugh

You:your such a flirt sebastian go some where

sebastian laughs then megan and anne started talking 

Megan;you guys go get some sleep and go eat you have a long day tuesday 

you:what are we doing tuesday

Anne:you'll see oh megan did you forget

Megan:oh yah tonight you will be sleeping with a roommate 

you:we get to pi-

anne:nope we pick AHAHA 

Megan:okay so sebastian and ava 


sebastian laughs

sebastian:this is gonna be fun

he winks at you

Anne:ava be careful just saying he might kill you

you and anne laugh

Megan:mattia and sissy

Anne:Ale and lauren 

You and sebastian were arguing while they were talking 


Anne:mar and jojo


jojo:we finna play xbox yah?

Mar:hell yah

Megan:Kairi and celia

Kairi:no..i mean

Megan:and vally,don and daniella 


daniella:were not having a threesom


don moves away from them 

Megan:NOW GO 

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