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You woke up in a spa and saw Larry and Issa sitting in chairs on there phones

Ellie: what's going on

Issa was still on this phone

Larry: change of plans

You: what the how did you change us

Issa: that's for us to know and for you guys to HUSH

Larry:welcome to the spa

Issa: so the haunted house was shut down because the owner sexually assaulted one of the people so we had to get you guys out of there and In here

Larry: you guys enjoying the robes?

Kairi: no

Issa: good so everyone is safe this week no voting this week we will leave you guys to relax talk and get to know each other mwah

They leave and shut the door

And you all run to grab food Kairi grabs a soda and sits

Hazel: hey


Hazel: your cute

There was music in there so it was loud

Kairi: thanks

Hazel just stares at him

Hazel: I'm I cute?

Kairi: no

Hazel: yes thanks

Kairi rolls his eyes and keeps looking at Loren

Hazel: gets in front of him

Hazel : what's your name?


Hazel: really?

Kairi: no

Hazel fake laughs

Hazel sits and spreads her legs to pick up something from the floor

Kairi covers his nose

Hazel gets back up

Hazel: ha so do you have any like hobby's

Kairi: soccer

Hazel: cool I dance

Kairi: really?

Hazel: yah tiktok dances for a living hahah


Hazel touches his hair and he moves away

Kairi:do you take a bath

Hazel: what?

Kairi:do you use soap and water

Hazel: of course

Kairi:you sure about that
He looks down

Hazel:your funny haha

-Confession room-
Kairi: I wasn't kidding

Hazel:i think me and kairi are off to a good start

Kairi:i'm trying to talk to loren 

Hazel:he seems like he really want's to know me

Kairi:i couldn't give a shit about her

Hazel:i feel like we could be a thing you know

Kairi:i just wanna go

Hazel:and he's like the first guy that atleast tries to care


-Back to the place-

Kairi:i got to go to the restroom

Hazel:i'll follow you

Kairi:uhm what?

Hazel:oh what never mind uhm bye

Kairi walks away 

Carlos was gonna go to hazel but then

Kairi:don't do it 

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