chapter 1

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Authors note:
Hey guys , So here is the new story of Park Y/N and Jeon Jungkook 💜
So let just enjoy and please do vote and comment 💜💜
Sarangheyo Army 💜

Here are certain things which I would love to clarify,
1. English is not my first language so bare with me .

2.This story is my pure imagination so would not appreciate if someone stole the story .
Plagiarism is crime so please don't do it .

* Starting chapters may not be that great but  I can tell this story gets hell lot better so you can give it a try .😉💓
If you go through first 6 chapter I am sure story will get better 💕
Thanks for reading it . Now we can continue with the story 😊

Park Y/N ,  just a 24 years old
completed your studies from Oxford university and Came back to Korea for job and your parents are still at England. A successful Architect , Works in Han international group as a Head Architect . At very young age, she has received promotions in her Job because of her hard work and she is very devoted towards her work. She is very strict when it comes to work. Except for Work and home there is no other thing  in her life. She used to be a fun loving girl but something in her past made her like this.
Sung Hoo Ri : She is your secretary. As a head Architect so you have a secretary.
let just start with the story. I hope you guys enjoy the story.

Park Y/N POV:

I was sleeping peacefully until my phone rang, ughhhh!  Who's calling me this early morning ?
I got up to pick up my phone,

Y/N : Hello,
Hoo Ri: Good morning! Miss. Y/N !
Y/N: Hoo Ri why are you calling me this early ?
Hoo Ri : Ma'am actually we have a urgent meeting at 9:00 am .
Y/N : But I didn't recive any mail for that !
Hoo Ri: Actually I got call from Mr. Jung from Head office, he was in so hurry so he asked me to inform you guys.
Y/N : Okay. I will be there.

I got up from my bed and went to freshen up and I had a breakfast as I was about to leave for work BoJo

I got up from my bed and went to freshen up and I had a breakfast as I was about to leave for work BoJo

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( Your Dog) come running towards me. I gave him his food and said bye to him, because if him I never felt lonely in this world.
I got ready and went to office. Hoo Ri was waiting for me.

Hoo Ri: Good morning ! Miss Y/N .
Y/N : Good morning!
Hoo Ri: Ma'am here is the schedule for today.
Y/N : Thank you!
Hoo Ri: There is no need to Thank me Miss Y/N, it is my work.
Y/N : I know that is your work but there is a thing that you should always appreciate good work. ( with a cute smile on my face)
Hoo Ri: Thank you, Ma'am😊
Y/N : Let's go and work.
Hoo Ri : Yes ma'am.

We were working and then went for the meeting. From the morning, I am hearing about this meeting with Mr. Han . This is really something important cause Mr. Han never called any meeting in such hurry. Even I was curious about the meeting. We all were sitting at conference room. Mr. Han arrived at conference room . We all greeted him and meeting got started.

Mr.Han : Good morning  everyone! I know, I called all of you in so urgent cause today I have a great news to share with you.
We are collaborating with Jeon Group. So from tomorrow you guys will have new CEO. As I am going to handle our Head office in USA.

Y/N : 'Jeon Group '
I mumbled while I was in shock,

Mr. Han : You said anything Miss.Y/N ?
Y/N : No, nothing sir. I am just Happy for this collaboration. May I ask a question sir?

Mr. Han : Yes. Why not?

Y/N : Who will be the next CEO, Sir?

Mr. Han : That is actually a surprise. He really don't want to share his identity. You guys will meet him Tomorrow.  Meeting is over. Good luck guys.

After the meeting I was really curious about new CEO. We collaborated with Jeon Group, I was in my thoughts ...

Hoo Ri: May I come in Ma'am?

Y/N : Yes. What happened?

Hoo Ri: Ma'am we have meeting with new interns and trainee. You asked me to schedule it.

Y/N : Ohh! Yes. I totally forgot.

Hoo Ri: Ma'am everything is fine ?

Y/N : Yes. Why are you asking me?

Hoo Ri: Cause Ma'am You never forgot about any meeting before.

Y/N : Nothing . Its just, let it be...  We are getting late.

Hoo Ri: Yes.. Ma'am we should go.

After a long day at  work, I came home and I don't know why but today I just feel too exhausted. I guess, I know why! It is because of that incident I remember. I never really wanted to remember it but it always come backs to me. Now I can just hope that even if I am going to work under JEON GROUP  but I don't want to face JEON JUNGKOOK. I just hope it's not him.
I am really not scared of facing him but he will remind me my painful past which I left years ago.

Until i saw her again...Where stories live. Discover now