chapter 40

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Jungkook's Pov :

I started to drive but I didn't said anything this car ride was in all silence. I was thinking hard about the things happened between us ... Means how can I allow anyone else to control our lives. I love her and she love me, there are no difficulties which we can't go through when we are together. How can I get scared of anything else but the most scariest thing will be loosing her this time. If we are going to get pain if we are together then I am happily accepting the pain if she is with me, I don't need anything else. I stopped my car infront of her building and she was about to leave, I held her hand I thought I should propose her for marriage ... Like right now but then I ended up saying something that I wasn't going to say. I felt so nervous ... Like I am about to ask her out for the first time and she might reject it. I don't know why I didn't do it. I saw her, she walk out of my car and I started to drive towards my house but still it was bothering me ... I really wanted to ask her that if she is ready to be mine ?
She has been in my mind for so damn long and whenever I think about marriage I think of her. I wanted to see her reaction on this question. I wanted it now but should I do it now or I should wait for morning ? And suddenly my phone rang it was Tae, I picked it up,

Jungkook: Thank god, you called !

Tae: Ohhh....okay. What happened? How was your dinner with your parents and Y/N.

Jungkook: It was great .... Should I purpose Y/N for marriage right now ?
Or Should I wait for it till morning ?

Tae: What marriage ? .... You should do it now if you are going to do it then why you want to wait till morning.

He was laughing and I can hear his  happiness through the phone...

Jungkook:  Thanks ..... Good, I am going to purpose her .... Byeee.

Tae: Byeee and Drive slow.

Jungkook: Okay.

I was so excited and happy that finally I am going to do something what I wanted to do since we came back from that US trip. I must had proposed her back then but all this things and that man created a real mess but now nothing will stop me from asking her to be mine and just mine. I drive my car on double speed. I parked my car infront of her building and went towards her apartment, I have keys of her apartment so I am going to surprise her. I am happy, nervous as I opened her door, I saw there are no light, this is weird Y/N never switch off all lights she just doesn't like it I started to walk towards living room, I heard some weird noises coming from inside as entered I saw Y/N was on floor and he was hovering over her even I don't know at what speed my blood was flowing ...

' Stay away from her '

I went towards him and pulled him away from her and punched him hard on his face and,

Why don't you get it can you touch her? Just stay away from her .... don't ever touch her again.

I kept on punching on him, he was bleeding horribly but he deserve this he fell unconscious but I couldn't care about him can he touch, Y/N ?
And after sometime I heard Y/N called me ...I just threw him and then I went towards Y/N ...I picked her head and put it in my lap... She was unconscious ....

Jungkook: Y/N, I am here .... Please wake up ... please... please.

Even I don't know when I started to cry but my tears weren't stoping, I just can't see her like this, I literally had no idea what to do ? I am just out of my mind right now. I pulled my phone out and called on the first number I saw and it was Tae and told him all situation and then I called police cause this Mike deserve to be behind the bars.
I was looking at her then I took her in my hands and made her lie down on the couch. She had so many scars over her body and her hand was bleeding. That looked so painful how can he do such things to her ... Tae came and he had doctor with him, doctor started to check Y/N. Tae was handling everything with police cause I really don't want to leave Y/N alone right now. Tae came to me,

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