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That's all they think it is.
That's all they think it will be.
That's all they think it ever was.

Just words.

They say awful things through it thinking it means or better yet 'meant' no harm.
They don't consider if any one is listening.
They just spout it out. Like it's what it is.

Just words.

Yes, they are right. Why should we care so much about those words? Why should we bother?

But the truth is no matter how Much we want to deny it and say it's not important and not our business; it will always have that place in your chest that they said things that made your heart jolt painfully.

'It cuts deeper than a knife.' That's what those with broken hearts caused by relationships say.

Those living with catastrophes made from these same words for years have developed a gruesome pain that is worse than being burnt alive combined with being stabbed multiple times.

They would say its an exaggeration.

Well, let me tell you that as little as you feel like you are pointing out the obvious to the depressed souls using your petty words that you seem absolutely means nothing, that you feel is right; it makes those poor souls crumble and imagine if their existence was to feel that way everyday of their lives.

It doesn't matter how many people you talk to on your WhatsApp or any other social media,
All that matters is if someone listens to themselves.
If they hear what they are saying to people who are just trying to live.

To scape through.

What matters is if they know that someone is listening.

Because words aren't just words.

Some are sweet.
Some are bitter.

Some make you smile
Some make you frown.

Some make you laugh.
Some make you cry till your eyes feel numb.

Words are never just words.


Poet's Note:

I know this is more of a thought than an actual poem. Now that I think of it, most of my works are more like this than actual poems. Don't worry I have poems in store for you guys.

Anyways I hope y'all like it.

It would really make my day!

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It would really make my day!

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