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They'll all stop one day.

The time to time checkups, hour long calls, endless chats.....they'll stop.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

When it's regular with the people who you grew fond of, you feel that it's going to stay that way forever.

But that's where we are wrong.

Maybe it's us who drives a wedge between the friendship.

Maybe it's them.

Maybe it's nothing.

Maybe the spark that was once there dies down.

It simmers..then it finally goes out.

Then you think it's your fault.
You think you can fix it.
So the slightest glimmer of hope starts to build inside you.

You try so hard to be how you guys once were but soon enough you are forgotten.

Nobody ever thought that you will feel this way.

That you would even think this deep.

That the slightest action they make will affect you.

So they move on.

And you are stuck.

You see their pictures on your phone and it feels like you never once connected.

Like they didn't know you.

You feel like you didn't try hard enough to keep them.

They find better people than you.

They have long calls with them.

They have endless chats with them.

They give themselves time to time checkups.

Who are they to think that you are not good enough? To forget you?

They didn't put the effort.

On a tree, only the weak and withered fall but the strong ones stay put. They shine receiving all what the atmosphere has to offer.

Be the strong one.

Be the mature one.

Stay at the top of your game.

Don't wither.

Yes, they will still do all the things you used to do with them.

Things that you might never get to do again.

Things that they WILL never do with you.


But that's just how it is.

Own it and move on.

If you can do this, then you've faced reality.


Poet's Note:

You don't have to live up to anyone's standards.



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