It's been a while since the Gang War that left Maple in a slump for a minute had occurred, The Killer-X remained a hero and Legend around the crime-filled streets of Maple. leaving fear in the hearts of those who dare do wrong, But Killer X amongst...
The night would be cold and rainy the Bank would be closed nothing but security posted inside and out. The two Officers placed in front of the vault would stand guard, "Honestly I don't personally care what the mayor says I think guys a hero..."
"They're not I can tell you assholes have caused more damaged then they've helped.."
"That doesn't put all of them in the same category you know Cast..."
"Johnny they destroyed a fucking mom lives two houses down from that..I'm telling you these "hero's" have no concern for human life."
"I agree..." a voice would leak out The two guards would begin to draw their weapons, "HEY WHOS THERE??!" Johnathan would shout out aiming around the room a small cackle would leak out echoing around the vault room. "Nothing could ever come good with vigilantism ...." the voice would begin again a figure stepping out of a dark corner, The man would slowly stalk the two his combat boots clicking against the hard marble floor the stranger would be dressed in Black woodland cargo pants wearing a Heavy TAC vest over a red and black long sleeve T-shirt rolled neatly to his elbows military-grade fingerless gloves while a long dragon tattoo connected from his wrist up to his elbow, the figures face would be hidden covered a good 40% below as he dawned a skull bandana his soft brown hair draped covering his right eye leaving only his left exposed. The men would continue holding their guns cast shaking a bit,
"D-DONT MOVE!!!" Cast would shout as more men behind the man would appear dawning mercenary styles Tac uniforms. The men would be training their guns on the officers, The figure would chuckle "I didn't do so good in school with math boys...but I'm pretty sure we have you outnumbered..." The figure would let out along with a light chuckle The officers knowing the situation would look at Each other then back at the group, Johnathan would growl "I took an oath pal.." he would growl aiming and shooting at the figure who would with inhuman speed would already be at Johnathan's social area grabbing his wrist and beginning to grip it. Johnathan would gasp in agony as his wrist would turn a slow purplish as the figure would continue to crush his wrist a low in distant growl would emerg from the figure Cast would stand in horror as his partner continued crying out in pain trying to pry the man's handoff. The man's eye would light up a bright crimson as his voice wouldn't sound the same a much more groggy and distorted voice would sync with his as he would slowly let out "So be it..." with his other free hand he would grip Johnathan by the throat lifting him up as Johnathan's vocal would cut out trying to scream but only weak coughs would leak from his mouth despite attempts for air he would try kick at the figure but the man would remain unfazed. "You all believe you're doing the right thing...working for a corrupt city you truly believe everything here is worth fighting for..." The figure would slowly look at cast the officer in complete fear trembling as his partner's face would turn purple blood leaking out of his eyes mouth nose and ears due to popped blood vessels as he would slowly stop kicking weakening. The figure would slowly make eye contact with Cast "It's not..." he would chuckle and with a flex of his fingers, Johnathan's neck would echo a haunting crunch his head leaning back as his body dangled in the air lifelessly. Cast now understanding Johnny's mistake he would place his gun down "Please...don't hurt me.." Cast would let out The figure would chuckle lightly throwing the corpse aside on the floor next to Cast as he would look at the figure tears slowly streaming down his face,
"Why are you crying?..." the figure would crouch down to Cast his eye flashing a bluish to red color once more. "....." cast would remain silent "Listen to me...Officer.." the figure would pull down his bandana revealing a sinister grin "I just need the code for this vault...and I promise you will not end up like your friend over here.."
"It's 1944900752...."Cast would let out without hesitation The man would smile gripping Casts shoulder "See? That's not so bad.." he would look at one of his men as they would open the vault door Cast and the figure would gaze inside looking at mountains of money, sat in the vault almost met about Billions.
"The mayor is going to make it his power he kills anyone that took his money..." Cast would let out The figure would begin laughing uncontrollably out of amusement cast would sit in confusion "...." silent would remain as the figure would begin to calm himself.
"Who said anything about taking it?..." The figure would smile as the Mercenaries would continue planting Charges among the vault room some spilling and spreading Gasoline on the mass mountains of money as a mercenary would toss a lit match into the mountains. The figure would take out a detonator looking at Cast as he would smile "I like you Cast..." he would let out looking at his name tag then back at him "...Run.." his voice would echo deeply as a low growl would emerge again The man's eye turning a crimson red. Cast would book it out down the hallway adrenaline keeping him going despite being weak in the knees the vault would light the hallway a bright yellow and orange ..............
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