Chapter 5: The Forest

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Grian left his sword behind, knowing that the illagers would automatically see him as hostile if he carried it. He also left his axe and shovel behind (because there was no point bringing them) but brought his pickaxe just in case. He equipped his armour, even his chestplate, and set off.

It didn't take long before he found the mansion. Grian spotted an illager outside, guarding it. Grian snuck around the back, hoping he could get inside without causing a ruckus. He broke the window and snuck into a room filled with different shades of blue wool. He snuck out of the room and into the hall, trying to stay quiet. He found himself in the massive library and began his search.


Grian had been gone for over two months, and Mumbo was super close to finishing the machine. After the hermits had figured out what Grian was after (information about Magic) it wasn't hard to figure out where he was going. Only one place would have information on magic.

The Woodland Mansion. A dangerous place full of illagers and ravagers.

Mumbo put the last piston in place. Perfect. If the machine worked, it would locate the Woodland Mansion, and then a team would take a flying machine and make their way toward it, hopefully getting there before Grian.

Mumbo stood back and hit the button. A few parts of the machine lit up, before it scanned the world past Concorp Golf. Off to the east was the mansion. It would probably take a week to fly there on a slime jet. It was likely Grian was already there, but it was their best chance.

Mumbo climbed into bed, and when he woke up, he called everyone to assemble at Sahara.


"Okay everyone. As we all know, Grian left two months ago in search of the Woodland Mansion. I was tasked with creating a gps to locate the Manor so we could hopefully get there before him. I finished the machine last night, and I have some coordinates. It's time to put together a team and build the slime jet." Mumbo addressed the twenty five hermits in front of him.

"I'd say a team of four." Impulse suggested. "I nominate Mumbo, since he's the closest friend Grian has here."

"I nominate Joe, since he's the most soft-spoken and he could probably speak with Grian the easiest." False pointed out.

Jevin nodded. "And Iskall, since he's one of the best pvp's, just in case y'all run into trouble."

The other hermits mumbled in agreement.

"So we just need one more person." Iskall said.

"Maybe Ren?"

"I was gonna suggest Cub."

"What about Impulse?"

The hermits bickered a little, trying to figure out who'd be the final hermit.

"I guess a vote is in order." Joe said, pulling out a book and quill.

A few minutes later, they had decided, Joe tallying the votes.

"So, out of every hermit, Cleo had the highest amount of nominations. So she'll be the fourth hermit."

"I'd be honored." Cleo nodded. "Anything to see Poultry Man again."

That sentence got a few chuckles from many hermits.

"So, what are we waiting for? Joe and I can prepare, and Mumbo and Cleo can build the jet. We can be off before sunrise!" Iskall drew his sword in a flourish of encouragement and optimism.


It took one week. One week and then they spotted the house that was way too detailed to belong to a villager.

"Time to jump." Cleo said, fireworks already in her hand

The four hermits abandoned the jet, since it would just fly into infinity, and glided down towards the cottage.

It was mostly empty, aside from a creeper checking it out, which Iskall took care of immediately.

Joe opened the chest inside, that was next to a bed. Inside was a lot of basic materials, an axe, a shovel, and...

"He left his sword behind?" Joe asked out loud. "I mean, if he got caught in the mansion, he'd look less threatening, but isn't it still a bad decision?"

"This is the guy who stole my mustache but had no idea how to put it back. This is definitely something he'd do." Mumbo pointed out.

"Either way, we need to find that mansion." Cleo pointed out.

"We should crash for the night and find him in the morning, there are mobs everywhere." Iskall replied, placing down a few beds.

Joe agreed. "I hate to admit it, but Iskall's right."

Cleo plopped down on her bed, sighing, and Mumbo sat down on his own without a word.

"Well, night everyone." Iskall said before crashing onto the one unoccupied bed. "See you guys in the morning."

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