Update: Decisions, Decisions.

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Hey y'all! So as you guys know, the end is nearing for FoF.

I, Author-Chan, has made an executive decision. I'm going to spread out the last 15 chapters of FoF over this next month.

I can hear you, y'all are saying "why? are you burned out again? have you lost motivation?" and I can tell you:

I'm literally the opposite.

I really loved writing this story, and I honestly didn't think the end would come so soon! It's been almost exactly two months since I published the prologue, and I can't believe I've written so much! So, I decided that I'm going to spread out these last few chapters steadily. I'm really excited to write the "ending", and also a bit nervous since this'll be the first fic I've ever finished.

There are a few more reasons, including the end of online school, my birthday landing two and a half weeks from now (15 years! :3), and of course working on some art stuff I've been wanting to do for a while.

This by no means says that I've lost motivation or anything of the sort. What I'm saying is, I have so much motivation that I could probably write five chapters right now, and to avoid doing so, I'm spreading them out.

Also, suspense. It's more fun to be wondering what happens next and have to wait, rather than getting the answer straight away, don't you agree ;)

Chapter 35 will come out tomorrow, and after that, chapters will be released every-other day. Some newcomers might be saying, "isn't that how you've always been uploading though?" and no. In April I had a daily upload schedule (it wasn't a schedule, I just really wanted to upload a lot) but when May hit, a lotta stuff happened that made it really wonky, including my weird "week of silence" I just pushed past (I have no clue why I didn't upload last week XD). 

But now, The schedule is set. FoF will officially "end" on July 2nd, setting the writing time for this book to exactly three months!

Stay safe my fellow seekers!


P.S If anyone wants to draw a cover for this, feel free! I'm thinking of drawing one myself, but I want to see what you guys come up with. :D

P.P.S I might be going through this book and fixing the mistakes (spelling, grammar, contradictions, etc) in a week or so, so if you get a lot of "FoF updates" it's just me fixing this fic up.

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