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Onika Tanya Maraj

All my friends & family were seated in the beautiful bright Garden . I was so Happy. My heart was aching with joy & gladness. Marcus was looking so Damn Fine In  his tuxedo & I looked so beautiful in my white wedding gown. As we looked into each other's eyes passionately, we waited for the Priest to start.....

"Dearly Beloved , We are Gathered here to .....

My mind just switched off when I focused on Marcus' handsomeness. He continuously blew kisses & kept on winking at me .it made me blush endlessly

Ms Maraj?" The Priest Startled me. I quickly stopped starring at Marcus & I turn to the priest.

"Yes?" I Said with a wide smile.

"You May start reading your vows." The Priest said.

I was to nervous because I don't remember my lines but here goes nothing . Before I could even start to read my vows , everybody gasped as their turned their attention to the back of the aisle. It was a man .... my smile instantly left my face once I realized that it was My ex husband ... Lucas

Marcus & I were shocked as hell as we saw him walk down the aisle.... He looked angry as he slowly walked towards us. Everyone was confused & shocked

"Lucas...." I said under my breath.

He still kept quiet & all of a sudden , he took out a silver pistol which raised concerns of the audience. Everyone dramatically gasped as He aimed it at Me....

I widened my eyes with shock & Marcus shouts "Noooo!!"

(Gunshot 3x)

I woke up & quickly got up from the pillow with a loud Gasp. I kept quiet by closing my mouth with my hand. It turns out I was still in my room all alone....

It was just a fucking dream , but it felt so real though ...... haven't seen or heard of Marcus ever since that night he called. The only thing I had of him was a picture of us we took with my phone I would stare at it everyday. I won't deny that I developed strong feelings for him


I was making pancakes in the kitchen. I heard the the main door open & that could only mean one thing.

"Baby? , I'm home."

My Boyfriend , Nasir Jones , Finally came back home from work.

"In the Kitchen , Babe." I Said loud enough.

Nas and I have been dating for quite some time now. He works as a detective for the NYPD , I know that it's risky and all since I have been on the wrong side of the law before ... but that's the old me and that shit is buried in the past Thanks to Marcus' sacrifice ..... I still think about him dearly though.... I wonder where could be after all these months.

"Hey baby." Nas came into the kitchen & while I was making breakfast . I approached and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Morning , Babe." I Said as I wrapped my arms around his neck

"Morning." He mumbled

"How was work?" I asked

He let out a huge sigh "Tiring as always , this case is gonna be the death of me . Everytime I think I found a breakthrough, it just leads to another dead end."

"Sounds like you need some food in your belly. Well you're just in time for breakfast. Im making pancakes." I Said as I let go of him & went back to the pancakes

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