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Nasir Jones

Me & my partner have been working on a very difficult case to put the Santana Cartel behind bars. Not so long ago, we managed to arrest the Notorious Maria Santana , a drug dealer who's been on our raider for quite a while now. Something tells me


This crime scene was a devastating one. I haven't seen this much dead bodies in one place. Wonder what went down for such a bloody massacre to happen

"Nas , come check this out. They all got spider tattoos on their necks." Said Nancy , leader of the forensic team.

"That's The Gallegos symbol. This doesn't look good at all."

"You tell me. I just found a head clogged in the toilet. How could someone be so cruel and heartless?"

"These criminals are capable of anything, Nancy...." I stated. This case is far from over...

Bow Wow

The day arrived that we had to put my cousin to rest. The whole family was at the cemetery. It was too much to bare . I had to put shades on so nobody will see my tears ....

My aunt was torn down. By the time the cascade starting going's down , I just had to walk away. Couldn't stand uwatching ......

The funeral was finally over. I didn't leave the cemetery just yet. I took this opportunity to talk to my brother one last time. I went down on one knee And placed a baseball cap next to his tombstone. It was his favorite cap and he always wore it.

"I promise you, man. I won't rest until I find out who did this. I give you my word."

A tear fell down my eye as I walked away from my cousin's grave. I was heading back to my car until I ran into .... a Lucas O'Neil's Tombstone. This made no sense at all , When did Luke die , more importantly : who killed him?

Onika Maraj

I woke up with a massive headache. Don't really remember much from last night and that's weird. I looked at the floor and found 3 bottles of vodka. That explains the hangover...

I felt like puking so I went to the bathroom and just let it all out in the toilet. That's what happens when you drink 3 bottles of vodka on your own.  Can't even remember what happened,  all I remember was..... calling Marcus

I left the bathroom and found the burner cell he gave me. found 20 call attempts from me. its a good thing Marcus never answers these phone calls anymore. he stopped a long time ago and I've never heard from him since. I wonder where he could be , and will I ever see him again? I doubt.

"Who knew you that you would actually matter to me.... I miss you each and everyday , Marcus. Come back to me."

I looked out the window just to gaze at the incredible view of New York. Nas should be home any minute now. Should get this place cleaned before he comes through.


I took off that jumpsuit and Finally got into my clothes , surprised that they actually still fit me. The security handed over my belongings which was just my bag packet and I walked out of that place to smell the air of being free.

But I wasn't as happy as I thought I would be.......


"Go to bushwick , and go down to The old run down OakWest Apartment building. On the fifth floor , Number 23 , there's a man who goes by the name Vega. Give this message to him...."!

"Will he be there?"

"He never leaves that apartment unless he has to. Tell him before the day ends or else you'll be back here sooner than you think..."


I got no money for a cab , I guess I'm just walking there. Gonna be a long walk though...... better late than never , I guess.

Mia Evens

I woke up and found myself handcuffed to a pole and my mouth was gagged by a cloth . This place was really dark and dirty , I didn't know what was going on or wherever exactly I am. All I remember was that man in the red suit.....he is behind this. Screaming for help didn't do any good with my mouth covered.

Suddenly I hear the sound of a door opening from behind. Two men approached me and one of them was the man in the red suit. He took off the cloth of my mouth .

"What do you want from me?" I asked feeling all drained out.

"Mia Evens , we're looking for your late boyfriend's best friend, Marcus O'Neil. Tell me where he is and just maybe ... I won't put a bullet in your precious head." He said to me and he did look serious.

"I don't know where he is. I swear." I told the truth , but obviously they didn't believe me

"You're willing to risk your life over his?"

"I'm being honest. Marcus disappeared without telling any of us where he's going. For all we know , he could be dead."

They still didn't seem convinced. At least one of them , they other one looked curious and maybe he's buying my story.....

Rihanna Robyn Maraj

Finally got off a train in bush wick. Now where to from here? I arrived at oak west.l and got inside , the whole place was filthy and disgusting. Passed a few prostitutes and crackheads on my way to the fifth floor. Finally got to to number 23 and knocked on the door.

"Who is it!?" Said a man with an angry voice.

"I have a message from Maria Santana." I shouted. He checked to see who it was through the peephole. Found me standing and waiting for him to open the door. He eventually did and he was really creepy.

"Are you Vega?" I asked him.

"Who wants to know?"

"My name is Rihanna , your boss sent me here to tell you something...."

The End
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