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Rihanna Robyn Maraj

This place was more beautiful on the inside than it was outside. They lead me to the living room where I found a man waiting. He had his back turned against us while he seemed to be pouring a drink

Ljefe, te hemos traído a la chica" said the gangster who brought me here. It's only now I notice that big spider tattoo drawn on his neck.

"dejarnos solos" he told off his men and they left

"Glad you could join us , Madam. May I offer you a drink?" The Mysterious man asked as he looked at me.

"I'm good .. thank you." I responded.

"Alright then. I believe you and my sister have been talking back in prison. How is she?"

"I only knew her for one day. Why don't you go visit her and ask yourself?" I retorted

"Her visiting privileges have been ... taken away from her. She is not allowed to have communication with the outside world , and her bail was denied. That is why you're speaking to me." He explained to me

"Who are you, mr?"

"Ohh shoot. Where are my manners? My name is Diego Santana." He answered me with a proud grin.

I can't believe it. Im standing right in front of the Leader of the Gallegos nation. That explains the spider tattoo on that Other guys' neck. It's their gang symbol.

"You're the leader of the Gallegos Nation." I stuttered my words nervously

"That is correct , young lady. Now what did my sister say to you exactly?" He asked after taking a sip off his whisky.

"She said that from 2 weeks, she's going back to court , there's a possibility that the judge will sentence her to a prison in Mexico. She wants you to break her out before that happens." He listened as I told him the details.

"Is that all?"

I replied by nodding my head. He poured another glass for himself and finished it with one gulp

"Can I go now?" I nervously asked him. He gave me one scary look before placing his empty glass down. Suddenly he took out his gun and I gasped.

"I can't do that. You know too much. As soon as I break my sister out of there , you'll squeal to those NYPD putas."

"I won't , I swear. Just please don't kill me." I pleaded with him. No mercy in his eyes or whatsoever.

I guess this is it for me. End of the road. I closed my eyes and waited for the gunshot that's going to take my life. He took his shot , but I was still alive... and I wasn't hurt as well. I slowly opened my eyes , he had his gun pointed to the ceiling.

"Looks like I have to call someone to patch that up." He said looking at the bullet hole in his roof. Then he turned his eyes back to me.

"Why did you do that...."

"Because I know who you are , Rihanna Robyn Maraj." He answered me.
"The moment You walked in here. I knew you all along."

"But how?" I curiously asked the man. He scoffed

"I have connections in the NYPD , young lady."

"And yet here I am delivering your sister's message instead of them."

"Maybe I wanted to cut ties with her. Maybe I wanted her to end up in Mexico so she can rot in her cell , but change of plans. I'm going to bust her out and you , on the other hand, are going to take me to your little sister."

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