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Los Angeles,CA

The beautiful yet dangerous Rose named Maria Santana was still on her mission to find Marcus O'Neil. A call from her uncle just came up.

"I hope you have good news. Tio."

"Yes I do, my little flower. I found someone who may lead us to Marcus O'Neil." He said to his niece

"Who might that be?" Maria asked.

"A young lady who associates herself with Marcus. I believe you know her. Onika Tanya Maraj" He answered

She smiled after hearing the news.

"That means I have no reason to stay in California.alright, I'll be there before the sun sets."


The call ended and Maria had a devilish smile on her face.

"So? What's up?" Trigga asked and startled her.

"Change of plans. I have to go to New York as in now. We may have a lead on Marcus. What I need you to do is visit the cop.

"I'm coming witchu."

"No, Stay. Just incase he comes back."

"That nigga been missing for almost a year now. Ain't no way he gonna come ba-

" Listen to me for once, Pendejo! You're so hard headed, no wonder your face almost got burnt to a crisp! "

Maria left Trigga speechless and she walked away from him....

Bow Wow

I was walking around the neighborhood of Crenshaw with my uncle. It was just the two of us taking a stroll and chatting.

" Seems like a lot has changed since I've been gone. "

"More than you know, son. These gangs have gone from bad to worst, corruption is getting higher, People are dying like everyday." My Uncle described life in the hood nowadays.

"Can't believe Omarion got caught up in all of it seemed like it was just yesterday when we was down at basketball playing and shooting some hoops together, now he gone for good..."

My uncle and I ceased right on the side walk and looked at each other. He stared into my eyes and placed his hand on my shoulder.

" Listen son, your cousin was involved with a lot of dangerous people. I don't want you to lose your life by trying to get revenge for his death. It's Noth worth it." Uncle Lou tried to stop me.

"I already told you, Uncle Lou. I already made up my mind. Tonight, imma find Omarion's killer and make him pay...."

"Then Please be careful, Youngblood. I can't afford to lose another nephew so soon."

"I will. Don't worry about it."


Somewhere In New York.

My sister and I where held captive by these brutal gangsters. Couldn't even tell where we are cause cause they covered our faces with bags before we got here.

They cuffed us to a pole and we were being watched by these two huge men. They didn't seem kind at all.

"What's going on? Who are these people?" I asked Rihanna in a low voice.

"I don't know, dammit. You're the one they're looking for." She mumbled her answer.

"Wait what?"

"Look, it's a long story, but does the name Maria Santana ring a bell to you?" She asked.

"Maria Santana? It's only now I hear of that name. But wait, I know Mario Santana. Oh shit are these guys involved with Mario Santana?!"

"Who the fuck is Mario Santana?"

While we were speaking, The two men watching us opened the garage door and let a Black Rolls Royce Cullinan enter. The back door opened once it got in and a man in cream white suit came out.

"Who's that?" I asked Rihanna.

"That is Diego Santana, Leader of the Gallegos Nation."

This is not good at all. He came closer to us, had a big and scary smile on his face. He looked even scarier in person, bald guy with a bushy grey beard and tan skin.

"Onika Tanya Maraj. Nice to finally meet you. I must say, you look a lot more beautiful in person."He said with a smile

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"I thought your sister would've told you by now. Why didn't you tell her, Rihanna?"He asked staring at Rihanna.

" I did what you what you told me to. Now untie me and let me go, this is between you and her now."

Did my sister just throw me under the bus? Oh hell no.

"On the contrary, my dear , this concerns you as much it concerns her. I can't let you go. If I do that , I'd have to kill you." Said the mysterious and scary man before he walked away from us.

"My boyfriend is a cop , and he once he finds out that I'm missing , He won't rest until he finds me!" I dared to scare him , but no good came from it. He turned around and looked at us with stern eyes

"I'm very well aware of your relationship with Detective Nasir Jones. He can come , I'm not hiding...." Those were his words before he left us.

"Who is this man , Rihanna? What does he want from us." I asked my big sister , who wasn't keen on talking to me.

"Do the Math , Genius! He wants Marcus!" She answered ,and not in a polite way.

"I don't even know where Marcus is!"

"Does it look like he cares? He's using us as bait to rail him into his trap, then he's gonna kill us all."

"But what if he's plan doesn't work?" I asked but I was afraid to hear the answer

"Ain't it obvious?We're dead meat either way."

This was not looking good at all. I can't die , not like this.... where the hell are you , Marcus? I need you now more than ever!

The End
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