Chapter eight

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Jimin woke up with Yoogi still attached to his waist. Jimin wiggled out as he figured out that Yoongi could sleep through a tornado. He walked to the bathroom getting ready for his day at work. Jimin had an extra-long day today. It was not his hours that were changing, it was the overwhelming headache and he was determined not to tell Yoongi. Because with the fainting yesterday Yoongi would send him to the hospital and make him take the day off and Jimin is not doing that. He doesn't need the hospital bill and with the day off he certainly couldn't afford that. Plus he really didn't want to talk too much. Even thinking of putting a cohesive sentence together made his head hurt even more. Jimin grabbed to exuberant and walked to the kitchen. He was still in his onesie but he wasn't changing before he had some medicine. Jimin swallowed the pills and walked to his closet getting his close to wearing for the cafe and he went to the bathroom. He needed to brush his hair and teeth, then he needed to eat a little bit. Then he needed to get his ass to the cafe whether Yoongi woke up before or after was his doing.

Jimin was not trying to be cold to him but his proposal really was through him. He really wanted to move in with Yoongi but he liked not having people around him sometimes and Yoongi would be around 24/7 and to be honest, I don't think that he could do it. Jimin has been alone for ten years or more and he has gotten used to it. It is intimidating to think that he has to decide on living with someone. It was hard. He liked his independence but he also had to take into consideration that he may not be able to keep working all the time. Until the 500 comes in he won't be able to pay for his apartment. As Jimin woke up, so did Yoongi. He sat in the bed watching Jimin speed walk around the apartment.

" Jimin do you want me to take you to work? '' Yoongi spoke up scaring the daylights out of Jimin.

" um sure I have to leave in 5 will you be ready. If not I can just walk "

" no-no, I can be ready. " Yoongi jumped out of bed and collected his bags and shoes. Jimin grabbed a few more things and walked to the door

" Hey, Jimin I am going to print out a demo and then meet with the artist so I won't be in the cafe today and tomorrow. Is that ok "

" ya I'll be fine, " Jimin said quickly

" are you ok? You seemed a little short with me. Are you mad about yesterday " Yoongi said with concern

" no Yoongi I am just a little distracted "

" about what "

" the proposal. I really have to think about it "

" Do you want to talk about it? I won't intervene"

"I just have gotten used to being alone. And changing that is a little scary but I have to tell you I see the perks. I have calculated that this month will be tight. "

" what do you mean "

" My rent is due in three days and I am 100 short. "

"Really, " Yoongi said in shock

" ya but I will figure it out, " Jimin said lowly

" Are you sure I can help"

" Yoongi you're doing enough by even allowing me to live with you, "Jimin said a little louder

" but still I don't want to see you not be able to pay for you rent "

"Thank you Yoongi for your concern but I need to get into work and I will take the offer into consideration really"

"Ok Jimin I will see you later be healthy and text me ok "

" Ok dad, " Jimin said as he got out of the car and entered the cafe and clocked in. Taehyung was in the back attending to the pastries. You walk up to the counter that Taehyung was working at.

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