Chapter 11

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It's a Friday night and I just spent the past few hours doing all my homework for the weekend. I also cleaned my room and made sure to be extra nice to my brother when he got home too.
My parents hated parties and I knew that if I was to have any chance of going I would have to do a whole lot of greasing and a little bit of lying.

I stumble down the stairs, my heart rate steadily increasing. I'm not afraid of my mum's reaction, I was just dreading the questions that were going to follow.

"Hey mum" I announce as I walk into the living room flopping on the couch beside her.

"Hey hun" she smiles, her teeth a perfect shade of white. Being a dentist seems to pay off.

"I was just wondering if I could hang out with some people tomorrow. I've done all my homework for the weekend so I won't be falling behind, I cleaned my room too. It's only gonna be all the girls and a few guys but it's not a party it's just a small group." I say rambling off not sure what she's going to say.

She stops for a moment staring at me as if trying to tell if I'm serious.

"Yes you can. Whose house are you going to?" She asks, surprising me.

"Uh we're going to hang out at the twins for the day and then go to Rylan's place" I say, my voice going quiet towards the end. I can feel my cheeks betraying me as they warm slightly.
I look up to see her smiling softly. Great, she did hear me despite my quiet voice.

"Rylan's a good boy. I'm glad you both are friends again, you can go." She says before leaving the room muttering something about checking on dinner.

I wouldn't go as far as saying we were friends again. Maybe I tolerate him slightly more than I used to. And he is far from a good boy. Something most parents overlook, too focused on his facade of charm and good looks.

I wouldn't be going to this party if it wasn't for the girls. When I told Kayla she freaked out and insisted we tell the others. So that's what we did. I told them that me and Rylan used to be friends before he turned into a complete jerk. They didn't ask why I had never mentioned anything and were all too excited to care.
I went along with their talk about clothes and boys finding it too hard to ignore their excitement. It wasn't a big deal I thought. Everyone was going. And it would be fun to finally experience a highschool party. Maybe senior year would be different. I thought to myself.

Before long I was sitting at the dinner table talking with my family. All thought of Rylan Rosette gone from my mind. I vowed to keep it that way. At least until tomorrow night.

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