Chernobyl Graveyard Ch 1 preview (Now Available)

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One pill makes you larger

And one pill makes you small

And the ones that mother gives you

Don't do anything at all

Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits

And you know you're going to fall

Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar

Has given you the call

To call Alice, when she was just small

When the men on the chessboard get up

And tell you where to go

And you've just had some kind of mushroom

And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know

When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead

And the white knight is talking backwards

And the red queen's off with her head

Remember what the dormouse said

Feed your head, feed your head”

-White Rabbit,

-Jefferson Airplane

 Iryna Nazarenko


My name is Iryna, and I am a painter who used to live in Pripyat.

I lived in a small apartment on Lesya Ukrainka, where I painted portraits for the parades and murals for the city. I had been working on several paintings at once while dressed in my paint stained overalls and my American “Queen” shirt. I had my long black hair tied back to keep it out of the paint. It took me all day to finish the paintings I was working on. I breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out to my balcony for a cigarette. I stared off into the sweet blue sky, the full moon piercing bright. I took another drag and looked down to the city. The lights looked magical an in the distance, CnPP loomed, powerful and bright, strong and foreboding. My cigarette is sweet and soothing. Once I’m done I snuff the cigarette butt out in the ashtray. I walked back inside and took the paintings off the easel and put up a blank canvas.

Faintly, I sketched in the outline of a tree with a twisted trunk, it’s branches thin and spindly. Then I picked up my palate and added fresh paint. I painted the tree in a grayish brown, the background becomes a blend of oranges and purples, bright and vibrant. Satisfied I scribble my initials on the bottom and glance up to the clock. It’s only ten o’clock. I wash up, shower and dress in my black skirt and tights, and an off the shoulder top. I brushed out my hair and put on some red lipstick. I grabbed my purse, it was a nice night to go out for a drink.

I walked out the door feeling pretty confident about myself. As I locked my door my neighbor Sætre emerged from his apartment. He was tall with shaggy, brown hair that curled over his forehead and haunting hazel eyes.

“Good evening Iryna what are you up to?” he asked in his delicious accent. He was from Sweden, or Norway or something.

“Good evening Sætre, I’m heading out for a drink.” I replied cheerfully as I dropped my keys into my purse.

“So am I, care to go together?” His accent was so enchanting and charming, but he had a dark mystery hiding behind his beautiful eyes.

“I would love to!” I smiled flirtatiously and toyed with my hair. We began to walk towards the elevators.

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