Ride 1: New Birds

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*Hello~ Welcome to this book! The story might or might not match to the actual storyline to enhance this story. Hope you enjoy!*

Kai wearing his usual school outfit, walks down the streets to get to Card Capital. It has been a year, since Aichi left Japan, lord knows where he is now, but Kai wishes him the best. Recently, this couple of days as he walks down the usual path, his mind would flash the day when Aichi and Kai battle it out. While Kai was being reversed.

"Stop it Kai! Stop lying to yourself!" Aichi yelled over to Kai who is on the other side of the field.

That moment is what Kai needed. It has been in his mind and heart and it will be forever. In his eyes, he treats Aichi as a younger brother. A motivated being who shine light on others.

Kai's mind wonders and naturally, he reached Card Capital. Another day of card fighting. The door slides open, he enters and he noticed Morikawa, Miwa and Emi are there. Misaki like usual, clocking in the hours for her payout.

"Hello Kai." Misaki said. Assistcat meows to Kai. Kai smiles, patting it's butt. "Hello Misaki." Kai than goes over to them.

"Oh hey, it's Kai!" Miwa said with a big smile on his face. Kai settles with them. "So. Who do you want to fight?" Miwa asked. Kai looks at Miwa, emotionless as usual.

"Anyone." Kai replied. Everybody starts to crowd around and watch Kai duel with the others there. It's so usual for him to do so..Today is as per normal. At least this is what Kai thought.

*Ding Ding*

It's evening, the slider door open, a man with red silky hair wearing a long black coat enters. Shin greets the customer "Oh hey Ren." Ren nods to Shin and enters. He walks towards Kai, who just so happens to win Morikawa after sending the 6th damage to him. "OH MAN!" Morikawa screams. Kai leaves his seat, he turns to leave Card Capital only to see Ren standing there.

"Guess who is here to see you, Kai." Shin said. Kai looks at Ren. A moment of silent incused. Ren smiles. Kai's eyes softens.

They settle on a bench near the river, watching the sunset together. No one said a word at all. They are not shy, but it's just that they have no idea on what to say to each other. The rivalry that they had for years, transformed into something that they themselves couldn't imagine...

Ren move his hand resting it lightly on Kai's. He held Kai's hand which Kai return the gesture by firmly holding Ren's. "Why have you not visited Asteroid? I always have to come over to Card Capital to see you." Ren said. Kai replies "Well, we don't have to meet everyday. You know me, I would always spend my days at Card Capital."

Ren sighs and says "Why are you so stubborn and not know what I meant?" Ren pulls Kai to him, he hugs Kai. The sun sets. Their faces, finger apart from each other after the embrace. They look at each other. Ren starts by saying "Why I ask about you, not coming over to Asteroid..." Ren pause, he move his right hand over to Kai's chin. Using his thumb, he slowly strokes Kai's smooth skin.

"That's because I want you to hangout with me at my office...I just want to spend some time with you...and you alone. Just like the old times." Ren finished his sentence with a naughty but equally innocent look. Kai looks at Ren.

"Are you asserting dominance on me? What you want may not be what I want. I have to say, even though we have alot of conflicting thoughts, but ocassionally we do have some thoughts in common." Kai said. Ren smiles evily, just like how he smile when PSYqualia took over himself. He move his face slowly towards Kai, which Kai moves back. Not allowing him to do it.

"Why are you such a tease?" Ren asked Kai, which Kai laughs and reply "Well, I don't feel like it today. But.." Kai bends forward, kissing Ren on the lips. They took a moment before letting go. Kai leaves the bench, turning his head slightly and looks at Ren "Want some dinner?" Kai asked Ren out. Ren smiles brightly, he leaves the bench and happliy jogs over to Kai, holding his hand. They walk down the river path together...

"Oh come on. Stop holding my hand!"

"Nah, you know you love it."

"Just get away from me!..Ha"



😍❤End of Chapter 1❤😍

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