🎇Image 1: Thinking about you🎇

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*Credit to the artist who made this lovely fan art. Kai and Ren is not shipped enough. Let me row my boat with this mini series, if you are not into this ship or the content is not up to your taste, you may skip. This writer needs some imagination!😍 This miniseries will go on an even higher levels of relationship bond, but it will adhere to Wattpad's rules. So now, let's imagine it.*

Ren drops to the ground after an intense battle with the help of his PSYqualia. Kai had beat him. Days had gone by after the fight. Kai sits on the grass patch, looking at the sunset. The orange sky send warmth to his heart. He place his palm lightly on his own chest. "His pain. I know I'm doing the right thing, but...the pain that he suffered. My heart..I."  He grabs his chest, stopping his thoughts for a second. "That excruciating pain, I could feel it! I hate to see him like this, but it's the only way that I can set him free." He continues as tears runs down his face.

"It feels like our souls are together and I can feel his emotions. I feel so connected to him. (urgh in pain) Ever since childhood, the day that I saw Ren. Nothing could have even come close to how I felt. His eyes, his goofiness..I like it! (Urgh in pain once more)." He pulls his clothing, as he feels his lower portion of his body is tingly.

"Just thinking about him, makes me...feel...(urgh in pain again)..feel...I need him. I need him to the point of survival. I can't live without him. I am hungry for his presence." He thought to himself. "He still must be at his office, I need to...No...I can't let him know. What if...what if he doesn't love me, like I how I love him. No...I can't do it." He adds. He runs from the place, he heads home...

He lay on the ground with his pillow and blanket around him. He lay there, occasionally twitching, the pain that he feels on his lower torso. It's excruciating. "Just got to deal with it! (Urgh!)"

"If I...(urgh)..." "Kai..."  (!!) Ren is on top of Kai. Ren runs his fingers on Kai's chin. "Rr..Ren...I." Kai couldn't say a word. "You want me don't you?" Ren whispers, taunting Kai, who is struggling to comprehend the pain. "Ye-Yes." Kai finally managed to say yes. Ren smiles. He moves down to Kai's pants....

The rest was history.

The next morning, Kai wakes up. His back hurts after sleeping on the hard wood floor. The softness of the bed, reminded him of how soft, the skin of another person can be, so therefore he slept on the floor. His pants were off. Remembering that he must have thought Ren was doing it for him, but actually he satisfied it, himself. Ren really is imprinted in his heart...both mentally and sexually. The thoughts of wanting him, consumes him. He thought about what is it like to be with him. To touch him. To feel him....To kiss him, but he just couldn't tell him. In fear that, Ren will not accept him.

Despite his usual cold looks, Kai is always nothing but fire and passion. For the right kind of things of cause. There is only two things that he love most in this world. Vanguard and Ren. He met so many people in his life, Ren is always the best, the masculine, the sexiest in his eyes. The dress code that Ren wore every time, it's so stunning.

Maybe that's why he doesn't have any girlfriend, because he is so fixated with Ren, that nothing could ever top him. Was saving Ren from PSYqualia..the purpose of just saving him for the name of friendship? Or was it, so that Kai could get closer to Ren after? He couldn't pick the choices.

He stands up from the ground, stretching his back. He go to the toilet to wash up the mess that he made. Thinking about Ren as he is doing it, really made a huge mess...What do Kai cares? Love covers all. Cleaning it up is not even on Kai's list of goals.

He wears his school uniform before he exits the house to get to school.

"Hey, Kai!"

Kai stops. He looks up, the voice sounds familiar. He turns around.


❌End of Image 1❌

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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