Ride 5: Unexpected

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The next day after school, Kai goes to Team Asteroid buliding waiting for Tetsu. After Tetsu arrived, they head to an empty training room, the last occupiant was Tetsu. "I'm suprised that you have decided to join Team Asteroid." Tetsu asked.

"I joined Team Asteroid for love, Tetsu." Kai replies which Tetsu answers back "Love beats all. Now,I will design your room tell me what do you want your room to be?"

"Fire & Space. Lava of the underworld ." Kai answered without a doubt. "I am suprised that you didn't ask for a Narukami or Kagero style battle ground. Anyways, suit yourself Okay...your avatar..Dragonic Overlord."Tetsu said.

"The Rebirth." Kai added. Tetsu looks up at Kai from his tablet in shock. "Dragonic Overlord: The Rebirth? I thought it was destroyed when Link Joker went down. How did you-" Kai intercepts by saying "How did I take this deck back?" Kai smiles as flames in his eyes lights up one more time.

"The clan of the Kagero and Link Joker, they are not strong without other's support. Therefore The Rebirth is born." Kai said as he smiles.

"No..It can't be! You have fallen back into the control of Link Joker again!" Tetsu said as he takes a step back from Kai. "No. You are wrong. You see, I created this clan, now they have return so that I could command them again. I just only switch my clan to a newer and stronger one. Hahaha." Kai exclaimed.

Kai heads to Ren's office after...He settles on the sofa watching an on-going match with Tetsu's student. As he watches, the door slightly opens. It's Ren. He enters the office. "Kai. Can we have a talk?" Ren said. Kai turns to him upon hearing his voice...

They went to the roof. They had another long conversation...

Ren: What I heard from Tetsu. Was it true?! You sold your soul once more to Link Joker!

Kai: I didn't sold my soul to Link Joker no. Instead, through the ashes of Link Joker, with the DNA of Kagero. A new clan was born and I created it.

Ren: That doesn't mean you can use it.

Kai: *Turns to Ren* Why are you stopping me, Ren? The Rebirth clan heed my orders, they will be known by all of you. *Flames in his eyes. Like Psyqulia*

Ren: You know very well what Link Joker have done to you and everyone else. How are you still be able to forgive what Link Joker had done?! This deck is evil!

Kai: *Closes his eyes* Why are you so selfish?


Kai: *Open his eyes* You sold your soul to Psyqulia, making yourself reputable because of it. Now, I am wielding my own clan, so now you are asking me to take it off? Since you have it, why can't I have one too?

Ren: I am doing this because of your own good. Yes, I sold my soul to Psyqulia, it help me to win, but you brought me back. I finally understand true power comes from within. You taught me that.

Kai: That's why.

Ren: (!!)

Kai: With my own true power, I managed to create, Dragaonic Overlord: The Rebirth. Mixing Kagero and Link Joker into a clan. That is my strength. So I should wield it's power for it was created by me. I am doing nothing wrong.

Kai turns away and leaves. He takes a few steps and stops before saying..

Kai: Team Asteroid will be a very good team, once I join in the world champion tournament, nothing will stand in our way. I am sure of it.

Ren turns around immediately reacting to Kai's words. Walking over to Kai, facing him.

Ren: I can always remove you from the team. Kai.

Kai: You won't.

Ren: What makes you think so?

Kai: There are many reasons why. The first reason, you want Team Asteroid to win. You know that with my deck, I will be able to win it all for you. It's like PSYqualia. The other reason...If you don't let me join you, our relationship will break right here and now.

Ren clenched his fist.

Ren: Are you threatening me, with us?!

Kai: Oh yeah. Even though we love each other, but we do have something in common. We will do whatever we can, to get what we want...

Kai, takes a few steps forward, standing just beside of Ren.

Kai: Even if it meant hurting others. I can be as lovely to you as you want, unless you anger me. Don't do that Ren. (^^)

Kai exits the buliding, leaving Ren alone..

Later on, Kai walks to Card Capital. A commotion is happening, he walks over to the crowd, he noticed that they are viewing a vanguard fight. Who is it? It's Morikawa and....


😍❤End of Chapter 5❤😍

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